SOMOS los Cuerpos Gobernantes (de Luz)
de la NUEVA Tierra ...
¿VES dónde te lleva tu
"futuro"? ¿Cómo se está desarrollando / evolucionando tu vida ahora?
¿Sientes OJOS VERDADEROS de cómo llegó a ser tu mundo y cómo se transforma
instantáneamente al abrazar tu propia forma más alta de existencia aquí?
¿SIENTES cómo todo cambia constantemente y cómo tu vibración dicta las
experiencias que tienes ... en cada momento?
¿VES cómo lo que haces ahora crea tus
realidades, cada persona con la que interactúas, todo lo que se materializa en
forma física es una RESPUESTA para ti?
¿Estás absolutamente AMANDO y VIVIENDO
una vida PURA y PURA, con infinita abundancia a tu alrededor, porque eso es lo que
fluye por tus venas, a través de tus células, a través de tu aliento?
¿Son tus relaciones puras de nuevo? ¿Es
tu vida simple y sin complicaciones? ¿El AMOR DIVINO está en el CORAZÓN de
todo, la LUZ DIVINA emana de ti todo el tiempo? ¿Tu VIDA es un SUEÑO absoluto
manifestado en forma física?
TIERRA y ha estado aquí todo el tiempo. Depende de cada uno de nosotros lograr
esto dentro de nosotros mismos y compartirlo con el resto del mundo. Depende de
nosotros como NUEVOS HABITANTES DE LA TIERRA, que ya están anclando la PUREZA
de nuestras civilizaciones Lemuriana, Atlante y de Conciencia Galáctica aquí.
Cada uno tuvo que limpiar las impurezas / distorsiones de estas existencias
antes de llegar a vibrar y anclar el Reino de los Cielos en la Tierra aquí.
Muchos todavía están despejando la
simulación matricial para emerger de la bodega que esto tenía ... profundamente
arraigada en el cuerpo físico, la mentalidad, las creencias de carencia, las
mentalidades de separación, las emociones reprimidas que se exorcizaban /
ejercitaban para la limpieza celular. ocurrir, el FUEGO LIT para expulsar la
intensidad de las emociones de todas las existencias, no solo esta humana aquí
encenderse, ya que el Kundalini despierta a los que son Espíritu / Alma
adentro. Cada uno finalmente toma una posición acerca de lo SAGRADO y lo que es
aceptable y lo que no. Algo tiene que encender el fuego. Mira lo que se
necesita para que los colectivos despierten, suelten la separación y se reúnan
como amor.
Todo debe exacerbarse, hacerse grande
para que la energía de la inconsciencia pueda desaparecer. ¡Dejar la vieja
matriz para una existencia completamente nueva es un gran negocio!
Vivir juntos una existencia ASCENDIDA significa
estar Siendo una Luz Soberana en TODO lo que somos / hacemos, no solo las cosas
que nos convienen en ese momento ... CADA MOMENTO es lo que debe ser MASTER por
cada ahora. Anclar el Cielo en la Tierra y en realidad VIVIR significa que lo
viejo ha sido liberado por completo dentro de ti. Ya no puedes montar ambos
mundos ... Estas frecuencias ya no permiten esto ...
muy diferentes. Para todos son iguales aquí. Nadie lidera, nadie le falta,
nadie lo necesita. Todos somos socios, cada alma tiene valor, cada alma
contribuye, cada alma hace una diferencia y todo es intencional / útil aquí.
SOMOS el Cuerpo Gobernante de la NUEVA
Tierra ... No necesitamos que otros nos digan cómo ser. NOSOTROS DOMINAMOS QUE
La tierra separada necesita una regla,
para decirles qué hacer. La vieja tierra nunca proporcionará lo que el alma
requiere para una próspera y amorosa existencia pura aquí. NUEVA tierra es
ALMAS EMPOTRADAS y viven más allá de la vieja matriz de distorsiones. NEW EARTH
ES UN CUERPO DE GOBIERNO formado por tú y yo, Gaia / Terra Nova y todo el
universo como uno más.
vibratorio Sagrado Amor interior, Paz, Pureza, Integridad, Honor, Bondad,
Compasión, Respeto, Compartir, Apoyo, Contribución, Compartir y trabajar /
jugar / coexistir juntos EN UNISON y a través de la simplicidad de este NUEVO
SISTEMA DE VALOR que se crea a partir de la disolución de la antigua ....
A medida que lo Nuevo nace y renace
continuamente, verá que lo viejo continúa desmantelándose, deconstruyendo,
disolviendo y en su lugar emergen todas las nuevas realidades ... Así es como
funcionan estas realidades vibratorias.
Construimos / somos los FUNDAMENTOS DE
LA NUEVA TIERRA ... cada uno asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus acciones, sus
pensamientos, lo que están poniendo en el mundo, cómo cada uno está
gestionando, manteniendo, dominando sus propias realidades por completo ...
La energía tiene un sentimiento. Cuando
quieres algo, tu energía tira. Cuando no lo haces y estás compartiendo / dando
/ apoyando libremente, esto también se siente. Podemos decir de dónde vienes,
ya sea en la misma habitación o virtualmente ... tu energía precede y habla por
ti. A medida que te dominas, tu energía cambia la dirección / flujo de llevar a
emanar ....
Donde existes dimensionalmente está
determinado por tu corazón completamente abierto, tu mente completamente
abierta, tu energía completamente expandida y tu conexión dentro del CAMPO UNIFICADO
DE SUPER CONCIENCIA ... tu propia red física también dicta esto. Las nuevas
secuencias y códigos que están integrados en todo tu cuerpo, cómo los sistemas
de tu cuerpo físico funcionan juntos como uno también. Tu Cristalino Cuerpo de
Luz funciona de manera muy diferente a la tuya humana. La densidad física se
reemplaza con el espacio, para que todos puedan moverse libremente y funcionar
de manera prístina ... cada célula cuántica es una forma inteligente de vida
sensible ... Todos están evolucionando más allá de la existencia anterior que
se extingue para que pueda emerger una nueva.
Esto ocurre simultáneamente ... para
todas las dimensiones están siempre presentes / disponibles. Su habilidad para
experimentarlos conscientemente depende de su presencia, apertura y disposición
a la Liberación Cuántica que no está en alineación vibratoria con la Luz de la
Fuente Pura de Su Propio Alma. ♥
Bienvenido a casa. ♦ ☼ ♫ Lisa
WE Are the Governing (Light) Bodies of NEW Earth...

Do you SEE where
your "future" is taking you? How your life is unfolding/evolving now?
Do you REAL-EYES how your world came to be and how it transforms instantly as
you embrace your own highest form of existence here? Do you FEEL how everything
constantly changes and how your vibration dictates the experiences that you
have.... in every moment?
Do you SEE how what you DO now CREATES your realities, every one that you interact with, every thing that materializes in physical form is a RESPONSE to you?
Are you absolutely LOVING and LIVING a PRISTINE and Pure life, with infinite abundance all around you, because that is what flows through your veins, through your cells, through your breath?
Are your relationships pure again? Is your life simple and not convoluted anymore? Is DIVINE LOVE at the CORE of everything, is DIVINE LIGHT emanating from you all of the time? Is your LIFE an absolute DREAM manifested into physical form?
This is our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and it's been here all along. It was up to each one of us to achieve this within ourselves and share it with the rest of the world. It is up to us AS NEW EARTH INHABITANTS, already anchoring the PURITY of our LeMUrian, Atlantean and Galactic Consciousness Civilizations here. Each had to cleanse the impurities/distortions of these existences before coming to vibrate into & anchor the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth here.
Many are still clearing the matrix simulation to emerge from the hold that this had.... deeply ingrained in the physical body, the mindsets, the beliefs of lack, the mentalities of separation, the emotions suppressed being exorcised/exercised out for cellular cleansings to occur, the FIRE LIT to expel the intensity of emotions from all existences, not just this human one here......
The FIRE OF ONE'S SOUL must be ignited, as the Kundalini awakens ones Spirit/Soul inside. Each finally taking a stand about SACRED and what is acceptable and what is not. Something has to light the fire. Look at what it takes for collectives to awaken, let go of separation and come together as love.
Everything must exacerbate, get huge so that the energy of unconsciousness can clear. Leaving the old matrix for a whole new existence is a huge deal!
To live an ASCENDED EXISTENCE together, it means BEing a Sovereign Light BEing in EVERYTHING WE are/do, not just the things that suit us in that moment.... EVERY MOMENT is what must be MASTERED by each now. To anchor Heaven on Earth and actually LIVE IT means that the old has been released fully from inside of you. You do not get to straddle both worlds anymore..... These frequencies no longer allow this....
Your NEW EARTH REALITIES are very different. For all are equal here. No one leads, no one lacks, no one needs to. We are all partners, every soul has value, every soul contributes, every soul makes a difference and all is intentional/purposeful here.
WE ARE the Governing Body of NEW Earth... We need not others to tell us how to be. WE MASTER THAT AS WE BECOME ASCENDED LIGHT BEINGS HERE.
The separated earth needs a ruler, to tell them what to do. The old earth will never provide what the soul requires for a thriving loving pure existence here. NEW Earth is SOULS EMBODIED and living beyond the old matrix of distortions. NEW EARTH IS A GOVERNING BODY made up of me and you, Gaia/Terra Nova and the Entire Universe as one again.
That which RULES NEW EARTH is vibrational Sacred Inner Love, Peace, Purity, Integrity, Honor, Kindness, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, Support, Contribution, Sharing and working/playing/co-existing together IN UNISON and through the simplicity of this NEW VALUE SYSTEM that is created out of the dissolution of the old....
As the New is continually birthed and re-birthed, you will see the old continue to dismantle, deconstruct, dissolve and in it's place all new realities emerge.... This is how these vibrational realities work.
We build/are the FOUNDATIONS OF NEW EARTH .... each one taking responsibility for their actions, their thoughts, what they are putting out into the world, how each is managing, maintaining, mastering their own realities completely....
Energy has a feeling to it. When you want something, your energy pulls. When you don't and you are sharing/giving/supporting freely, this is felt too. We can tell where you come from, whether in the same room or virtually.... your energy precedes and speaks for you. As you master yourself, your energy changes the direction/flow from taking to emanating....
Where you exist dimensionally is determined by your fully open heart, fully open mind, fully expanded energy and your connection within the UNIFIED FIELD OF SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.... your own physical gridwork dictates this as well. The new sequences and codes that are embedded in your whole body, how your physical body systems work together as one too. Your Crystalline LightBody operates much different than your human one did. Physical density replaced with space, so that all can move freely and function pristinely.... every Quantum Cell an intelligent sentient life form...
All are evolving beyond the old existence that goes extinct so that a whole new one can emerge. This occurs simultaneously...for all dimensions are always present/available. Your ability to experience them consciously is dependent on your presence, openness and willingness to Quantum Release that which is not vibrationally in-alignment with the Pure Source Light of Your Own Soul. ♥
Welcome Home. ♦ ☼ ♫
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Master, Guide
Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher/Mentor/Coach
Photo Credit: Golden Cities by JeanLuc/eyewithin.com
Do you SEE how what you DO now CREATES your realities, every one that you interact with, every thing that materializes in physical form is a RESPONSE to you?
Are you absolutely LOVING and LIVING a PRISTINE and Pure life, with infinite abundance all around you, because that is what flows through your veins, through your cells, through your breath?
Are your relationships pure again? Is your life simple and not convoluted anymore? Is DIVINE LOVE at the CORE of everything, is DIVINE LIGHT emanating from you all of the time? Is your LIFE an absolute DREAM manifested into physical form?
This is our NEW EARTH EXISTENCE and it's been here all along. It was up to each one of us to achieve this within ourselves and share it with the rest of the world. It is up to us AS NEW EARTH INHABITANTS, already anchoring the PURITY of our LeMUrian, Atlantean and Galactic Consciousness Civilizations here. Each had to cleanse the impurities/distortions of these existences before coming to vibrate into & anchor the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth here.
Many are still clearing the matrix simulation to emerge from the hold that this had.... deeply ingrained in the physical body, the mindsets, the beliefs of lack, the mentalities of separation, the emotions suppressed being exorcised/exercised out for cellular cleansings to occur, the FIRE LIT to expel the intensity of emotions from all existences, not just this human one here......
The FIRE OF ONE'S SOUL must be ignited, as the Kundalini awakens ones Spirit/Soul inside. Each finally taking a stand about SACRED and what is acceptable and what is not. Something has to light the fire. Look at what it takes for collectives to awaken, let go of separation and come together as love.
Everything must exacerbate, get huge so that the energy of unconsciousness can clear. Leaving the old matrix for a whole new existence is a huge deal!
To live an ASCENDED EXISTENCE together, it means BEing a Sovereign Light BEing in EVERYTHING WE are/do, not just the things that suit us in that moment.... EVERY MOMENT is what must be MASTERED by each now. To anchor Heaven on Earth and actually LIVE IT means that the old has been released fully from inside of you. You do not get to straddle both worlds anymore..... These frequencies no longer allow this....
Your NEW EARTH REALITIES are very different. For all are equal here. No one leads, no one lacks, no one needs to. We are all partners, every soul has value, every soul contributes, every soul makes a difference and all is intentional/purposeful here.
WE ARE the Governing Body of NEW Earth... We need not others to tell us how to be. WE MASTER THAT AS WE BECOME ASCENDED LIGHT BEINGS HERE.
The separated earth needs a ruler, to tell them what to do. The old earth will never provide what the soul requires for a thriving loving pure existence here. NEW Earth is SOULS EMBODIED and living beyond the old matrix of distortions. NEW EARTH IS A GOVERNING BODY made up of me and you, Gaia/Terra Nova and the Entire Universe as one again.
That which RULES NEW EARTH is vibrational Sacred Inner Love, Peace, Purity, Integrity, Honor, Kindness, Compassion, Respect, Sharing, Support, Contribution, Sharing and working/playing/co-existing together IN UNISON and through the simplicity of this NEW VALUE SYSTEM that is created out of the dissolution of the old....
As the New is continually birthed and re-birthed, you will see the old continue to dismantle, deconstruct, dissolve and in it's place all new realities emerge.... This is how these vibrational realities work.
We build/are the FOUNDATIONS OF NEW EARTH .... each one taking responsibility for their actions, their thoughts, what they are putting out into the world, how each is managing, maintaining, mastering their own realities completely....
Energy has a feeling to it. When you want something, your energy pulls. When you don't and you are sharing/giving/supporting freely, this is felt too. We can tell where you come from, whether in the same room or virtually.... your energy precedes and speaks for you. As you master yourself, your energy changes the direction/flow from taking to emanating....
Where you exist dimensionally is determined by your fully open heart, fully open mind, fully expanded energy and your connection within the UNIFIED FIELD OF SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS.... your own physical gridwork dictates this as well. The new sequences and codes that are embedded in your whole body, how your physical body systems work together as one too. Your Crystalline LightBody operates much different than your human one did. Physical density replaced with space, so that all can move freely and function pristinely.... every Quantum Cell an intelligent sentient life form...
All are evolving beyond the old existence that goes extinct so that a whole new one can emerge. This occurs simultaneously...for all dimensions are always present/available. Your ability to experience them consciously is dependent on your presence, openness and willingness to Quantum Release that which is not vibrationally in-alignment with the Pure Source Light of Your Own Soul. ♥
Welcome Home. ♦ ☼ ♫
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Master, Guide
Author, Transformational Speaker, Teacher/Mentor/Coach
Photo Credit: Golden Cities by JeanLuc/eyewithin.com
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