Arribando al edificio trapezoide lunar, “interpretación” por Carolyn Hamlett, “la imagen mostrada es mi interpretación de lo que he visto con los ojos físicos a bordo de un nave con destino a la luna. El edificio en forma de trapecio era nuestro destino.
“Lo primero que pensé cuando vi esta estructura era su forma única y significativa, la de una pirámide de-cubiertas y en la arquitectura me recordó el Pentágono como se ve en las fotografías aéreas.
“Por lo tanto, elegí una porción de una fotografía aérea del Pentágono para ilustrar mejor la arquitectura del edificio real que vi en la luna.
“La interpretación que he creado es muy parecida a la vista que tenía cuando la nave estaba haciendo el enfoque. Sin embargo, el edificio actual en la superficie lunar no tiene un patio interior “.
Oroborus A.
Disclosure Data from GoodETxSG 5-20-15… Facebook Post… “Dark Fleet Lunar Base… A Depiction”
[From this FB post.]
[Corey] This was pointed out to me by a TOT member. It is another SSP Whistle Blower’s Testimony who was one of the only people I have heard of that have actually been on the “Dark Fleet Lunar Base” that I mention in the latest article with Dr. Salla. The photograph is posted below of their depiction which is almost exactly what I saw. In the comments below Is the YouTube Interview. I have not listened to it yet myself. Here is a quote describing the base as she approached it from a craft:
“The above (Below) picture is my creation from my memory. I put the picture together to illustrate what I have seen with physical eyes while aboard a lunar bound craft with other humans. The trapezoid shaped building was our destination.
“My first thought when I saw this structure was of it’s unique and significant shape, that of a de-capped pyramid and how much in architecture it reminded me of the Pentagon as seen in aerial photographs.
“Therefore, I chose a portion of an aerial photograph of the Pentagon to best illustrate the architecture of the actual building I saw on the moon.
“The rendition I have created is very much like the view I had as the craft I was in was making it’s approach. However, the actual building on the lunar surface does not have an inner court yard.”

Re-Publicado por “Isis Alada”
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