Yo, Montague Keen, les aseguro que Dave McCann nunca ha matada a
nadie. Fue un invento. Este hombre es 100% inocente. ¿Permitirán que la Cabala
lo siga teniendo de prisionero? Dave tiene trabajo que hacer por la humanidad.
Por eso la Cabala lo encarceló.
Ha llegado el momento de elevar sus conciencias; de juntarse
como uno a absorber la maravillosa energía del eclipse para toda la humanidad
que ocurrirá el 21 de agosto. No subestimen la importancia de este eclipse. No
permitan que la Cabala los distraiga de esta oportunidad única de volver a
ganar el poder. La Cabala ha estado ocupada causando molestias, tiroteos,
ataques, etc., durante las últimas semanas, para causarles miedo y ansiedad, y
prevenir que le den la atención completa a reclamar su poder. Es tan obvio.
Juegan el mismo juego una y otra vez. Lamentablemente, muchos de ustedes son
víctimas de ello.
lo que es: CONTROL MENTAL de las masas. El miedo es el arma más poderosa de la
Cabala. Miren su TV y los diarios, están siendo constantemente bombardeados por
el miedo al cáncer que se puede prevenir o incluso curar con Bicarbonato de
Sodio. Ellos han plantado el miedo a los ataques al corazón e infartos que son
causados por los chemtrails de la Cabala, fluoruro, y la comida, donde le han
quitado todo lo bueno. Ustedes no viven, sobreviven entre ataques dirigidos a
ustedes. Ellos poseen y controlan todas las drogas que los doctores les pueden
prescribir. Cualquier doctor que desee vacunar a alguien, debe evitarse a toda
costa. La evidencia está ahí para que todos vean cuán peligrosas son las
vacunas. Deben aprender a protegerse de los planes que la Cabala tiene para
21 de agosto, concéntrense en la meditación que ocurrirá en todo el mundo. Sean
parte de ella, conéctense como uno. Hagan esto por ustedes y por la humanidad.
Quiten todas las barreras de raza y credo que la Cabala les ha impuesto para
dividirlos y conquistarlos. Es su único método de controlarlos con el que
ustedes no reclaman, y con esto tienen victoria sobre ustedes. ¿Cuánto más van
a quedarse sin hacer nada permitiendo que destruyan la vida humana en la
Tierra? A pesar de lo que muchos puedan decir, ellos detestan toda vida humana.
¿Qué tiene que pasar para que despierten ante este hecho? Su fortaleza está en
el número. Usen esta fuerza el 21 de agosto, para mostrarle a la Cabala que
están listos para unirse y recuperar el poder de toda la humanidad.
una vez más, los seres espirituales que eran antes de la aparición de la Cabala
en la Tierra. Hay algunos que son tan malvados que intentan quitar toda la
oposición a su apoderamiento de la Tierra. Su poder está en el dinero. Lo usan
en contra de ustedes. Lo crearon por este mero propósito. Ustedes son esclavos.
Ahora mismo, no pueden imaginar la vida sin él, pero cuando encuentren la luz,
todo se hará claro. Recibirán asistencia de otros planetas que están esperando
y mirando, listos para dar la ayuda que ustedes necesitan. De verdad tienen
amigos en lugares superiores que quieren y pueden ayudarlos en esta transición.
Confíen y juntos lo lograrán. No pueden imaginarlo ahora, pero se alegrarán
cuando todo sea paz y armonía. Se preguntarán cómo sobrevivieron con todo lo
que la Cabala les tiró encima. Los que están en la Tierra en este momento
tienen la fuerza y la voluntad de superar el caos de la transición. Apóyense en
los cambios que deben ocurrir. No hay nada que temer, solo en el miedo mismo, y
la Cabala intentará usar esto en cada oportunidad que tenga.
reconstruirán la vida en la Tierra. Juntos, con una meta en mente: paz y
armonía para todos. Se volverá a producir alimento bueno y entero.
mi vida en la tierra, estudié agricultura. Tenía una granja donde producía
alimentos. Así que sé cómo debería hacerse. Me daba tanta alegría ver cómo
crecían y maduraban los cultivos, sabiendo que era el sustento de la humanidad.
disponible la ayuda y el consejo. No los van a dejar sobreviviendo solos. Esta
es la aventura más grande que ha emprendido la humanidad. Todas las grandes
mentes que una vez caminaron en la Tierra, se están preparando para ayudarles.
No están solos.
que dar unos pasos para obtener justicia para Dave McCann para que él complete
su misión para la humanidad. Aprendimos que la Cabala intenta mantenerlo
prisionero muchos años. No tienen ninguna evidencia en su contra. Inventaron un
ASESINATO FALSO, usando dos cuerpos femeninos que encontraron en una morgue. La
Cabala construyó la escena, luego mediante el control mental le dijeron a Dave
que había sido él. Yo, Montague Keen, les aseguro que Dave McCann nunca ha matada a
nadie. Fue un invento. Este hombre es 100% inocente. ¿Permitirán que la Cabala
lo siga teniendo de prisionero? Dave tiene trabajo que hacer por la humanidad.
Por eso la Cabala lo encarceló.

vida, recibe la nueva energía con los brazos abiertos. Ánclala para toda la
humanidad, para que se puedan eliminar las ataduras y el hombre pueda disfrutar
la libertad de pensamiento, palabra y acción de una vez. Paz y justicia para
Estoy contigo, querida, en todo lo que haces.
Siempre, tu adorado, Monty.
y colaboración para “Isis Alada ” por gentileza de Carmen Ávila Silva (https://sempiternoidiomas.wordpress.com ) mail (avilas.carmen@gmail.com)
Montague Keen - August 20, 2017
Your moment has come to raise your consciousness;
to come together as one to absorb the wonderful energy of the eclipse for all
of humanity on the 21 August. Do not underestimate the importance of this
eclipse. Do not allow the Cabal to distract you from this unique opportunity to
regain your power. The Cabal has been busy causing unrest, shootings, attacks,
etc, in the last few weeks, in order to put you in fear and anxiety, thus
preventing you giving your full attention to reclaiming your power. It is all
so obvious. They play the same game over and over again. Sadly, many of you
fall victim to it.
See it for what it is: MIND CONTROL of the masses. Fear is the Cabal's most powerful weapon. Look at your TV and newspapers where you are constantly being bombarded by the fear of cancer, which can be prevented with Bicarbonate of Soda and even cured. They have stepped up the fear of heart attacks and strokes which are all caused by the Cabal's chemtrails, fluoride, and the food from which all the goodness has been removed. You are not living, you are merely surviving the onslaught that is directed at you. They own and control all drugs and they control what doctors can prescribe for you. Any doctor who is willing to vaccinate someone should be avoided at all costs. The evidence is out there for all to see just how dangerous vaccinations are. You must learn to protect yourself from the Cabal's plans for you.
On 21 August, concentrate on the meditation that is happening all over your world. Be part of it, connect as one. Do this for you and all of humanity. Remove all barriers of race and creed which have been placed upon you by the Cabal in order to divide and conquer. It is their one method of control that you must not comply with, as it gives them victory over you. How much longer will you stand by and allow them to destroy human life on Earth? Irrespective of what they may claim, they despise all human life. What will it take for you to awaken to this fact? Your strength is in numbers. Use this strength on the 21 August to show the Cabal that you are ready to stand together and take back your power for all of humanity.
Become, once more, the spiritual beings you were before the appearance of the Cabal on the Earth. There are those who are so evil that they intend to remove all opposition to their takeover of the Earth. Their power lies in money. They use it against you. They created it for this sole purpose. You are slaves to it. Right now, you cannot envisage life without it, but when you embrace the light, all will become clear. You will receive assistance from other planets which are waiting and watching, ready to step forward with all the help you require. You really do have friends in high places who are willing and able to get you through this transition. Trust, and together you will do it. You cannot imagine it now, but you will rejoice when all is peace and harmony. You will wonder how you ever survived all the Cabal threw at you. Those who are on the Earth at this time have the strength and will-power to get through the turmoil of this transition. Support each other through the changes that must occur. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and the Cabal will inflict it upon you at every opportunity.
Together, you will rebuild life on Earth. Together, with one aim in mind: peace and harmony for all. Good wholesome food will be produced again.
During my life on Earth, I studied agriculture. I had a farm where I produced food. So I know how it should be done. It gave me such joy to see crops thrive and mature, knowing that it was for the sustenance of humanity.
Help and advice will be available. You will not be left to survive alone. This is the greatest adventure that mankind has ever undertaken. All the great minds who ever walked the Earth are preparing to assist you. You are not alone.
Steps have had to be taken to get justice for Dave McCann so that he can complete his mission for humanity. We learned that the Cabal intends to keep him imprisoned for many years. They do not have one shred of evidence against him. They set up the PRETEND MURDERS using two female bodies which they took from a morgue. The Cabal set the scene, then through mind control they told Dave that he had done it. I, Montague Keen, assure you that Dave McCann never killed anyone. It was a set up. This man is 100% INNOCENT. Are you going to allow the Cabal to keep him a prisoner? Dave has work to do for humanity. This is why the Cabal has trapped him.
Please, no matter how little you contribute, help us to get justice for him. All the evidence clearly shows that the two women flew out of the USA. It is known where they are. We sincerely thank you for your help, whether it be monetary or through prayer.
My dear, welcome the new energy with open arms. Anchor it for all of humanity so that the shackles can be removed and man can enjoy freedom of thought, word and deed once more. Peace and justice for all.
See it for what it is: MIND CONTROL of the masses. Fear is the Cabal's most powerful weapon. Look at your TV and newspapers where you are constantly being bombarded by the fear of cancer, which can be prevented with Bicarbonate of Soda and even cured. They have stepped up the fear of heart attacks and strokes which are all caused by the Cabal's chemtrails, fluoride, and the food from which all the goodness has been removed. You are not living, you are merely surviving the onslaught that is directed at you. They own and control all drugs and they control what doctors can prescribe for you. Any doctor who is willing to vaccinate someone should be avoided at all costs. The evidence is out there for all to see just how dangerous vaccinations are. You must learn to protect yourself from the Cabal's plans for you.
On 21 August, concentrate on the meditation that is happening all over your world. Be part of it, connect as one. Do this for you and all of humanity. Remove all barriers of race and creed which have been placed upon you by the Cabal in order to divide and conquer. It is their one method of control that you must not comply with, as it gives them victory over you. How much longer will you stand by and allow them to destroy human life on Earth? Irrespective of what they may claim, they despise all human life. What will it take for you to awaken to this fact? Your strength is in numbers. Use this strength on the 21 August to show the Cabal that you are ready to stand together and take back your power for all of humanity.
Become, once more, the spiritual beings you were before the appearance of the Cabal on the Earth. There are those who are so evil that they intend to remove all opposition to their takeover of the Earth. Their power lies in money. They use it against you. They created it for this sole purpose. You are slaves to it. Right now, you cannot envisage life without it, but when you embrace the light, all will become clear. You will receive assistance from other planets which are waiting and watching, ready to step forward with all the help you require. You really do have friends in high places who are willing and able to get you through this transition. Trust, and together you will do it. You cannot imagine it now, but you will rejoice when all is peace and harmony. You will wonder how you ever survived all the Cabal threw at you. Those who are on the Earth at this time have the strength and will-power to get through the turmoil of this transition. Support each other through the changes that must occur. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and the Cabal will inflict it upon you at every opportunity.
Together, you will rebuild life on Earth. Together, with one aim in mind: peace and harmony for all. Good wholesome food will be produced again.
During my life on Earth, I studied agriculture. I had a farm where I produced food. So I know how it should be done. It gave me such joy to see crops thrive and mature, knowing that it was for the sustenance of humanity.
Help and advice will be available. You will not be left to survive alone. This is the greatest adventure that mankind has ever undertaken. All the great minds who ever walked the Earth are preparing to assist you. You are not alone.
Steps have had to be taken to get justice for Dave McCann so that he can complete his mission for humanity. We learned that the Cabal intends to keep him imprisoned for many years. They do not have one shred of evidence against him. They set up the PRETEND MURDERS using two female bodies which they took from a morgue. The Cabal set the scene, then through mind control they told Dave that he had done it. I, Montague Keen, assure you that Dave McCann never killed anyone. It was a set up. This man is 100% INNOCENT. Are you going to allow the Cabal to keep him a prisoner? Dave has work to do for humanity. This is why the Cabal has trapped him.
Please, no matter how little you contribute, help us to get justice for him. All the evidence clearly shows that the two women flew out of the USA. It is known where they are. We sincerely thank you for your help, whether it be monetary or through prayer.
My dear, welcome the new energy with open arms. Anchor it for all of humanity so that the shackles can be removed and man can enjoy freedom of thought, word and deed once more. Peace and justice for all.
I stand with you, my dear, in all that you do.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
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2 comentarios:
Oh! Dios Todopoderoso presente en mi corazón, Oh! Todopoderosa Presencia “I AM”, I AM, I AM yo te invoco y hago un llamado a SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL Y SUS EJERCITOS DE LUZ para que liberen a Dave Mc Cann de sus opresores. San Miguel con tu espada AZUL FLAMEANTE corta toda atadura y envía al lago de Fuego Violeta a sus opresores para que sean consumidos. Yo pido y ordeno que este decreto sea atendido con la rapidez del relámpago por la Luz del Gran Sol Central".
Gracias que hecho esta-
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