Mike Quinsey
Como estáis comenzando a daros cuenta, estáis al borde de algo grande,
porque algunos acontecimientos ya no pueden retenerse y podéis esperar alguna
acción muy pronto. Afortunadamente habéis sido muy pacientes y esto ha hecho el
proceso de cambio mucho más fácil.
Mientras que actualmente estáis
experimentando mucha agitación por los diversos cambios, las viejas energías se
están aferrando al pasado, pero no servirá de nada porque lo nuevo debe
reemplazar a lo viejo, y así se hará. Debería tener sentido, porque la Nueva
Era está bien en marcha, incluso aunque no la hayáis experimentado
Nada puede detener lo que ya se ha puesto en marcha, y el
comienzo de los cambios sucederá pronto de una forma en la que seréis
conscientes de ello. Siempre hay cierto grado de incertidumbre, particularmente
en lo que concierne a un gran cambio, porque implica a muchos seres que tienen
que jugar su parte para asegurar el éxito.
Contra todas las predicciones relativas a vuestras actuales condiciones
climáticas en el mundo, que sugieren que las temperaturas están aumentando todo
el tiempo, llega el primer indicio de que realmente están comenzando a ser más
frías. Existen áreas normalmente asociadas a temperaturas extremadamente bajas
donde las resultantes condiciones glaciales han demostrado estar
incrementándose. Esto ha sido atribuido al cambio climático por investigadores
de Canadá. Podría parecer como el comienzo de una nueva Edad del Hielo que ya
se había predicho.
Claramente, esto parece improbable, aunque los hechos van
más allá de su cuestión y ya han llevado a la profecía de una mini Edad del
Hielo que comenzará en la vida de la mayoría de vosotros. Por lo tanto, es
posible tomar precauciones mucho antes de que cause cualquier suceso importante
que sea dañino para vosotros.
A medida que pase el tiempo quedará mucho más
claro hacia dónde os llevan vuestras condiciones climáticas. Así que realmente
no hay necesidad de estar preocupados si se toman las medidas necesarias por su
resultado mientras las cosas se desarrollan.
Se están dando pasos progresivos como resultado de vuestros crecientes
niveles de consciencia. Se está aplicando presión sobre los métodos ortodoxos
de educación que se están encontrando inadecuados para muchos estudiantes
avanzados. De nuevo, esto es el signo de los cambios que estáis sintiendo
muchos de vosotros. Ciertamente, algo tendrá que cambiar muy pronto, de otra
manera se perderá la oportunidad de darle a la gente joven lo que necesita, y
eso significa que las capacidades de toda una generación se habrán perdido
La gente joven de hoy día es mucho más avanzada e inteligente que
sus predecesores, y si la Humanidad quiere beneficiarse de sus capacidades les
debe dar las oportunidades adecuadas para expresarse plenamente, y eso luego
será en beneficio de todos.
La revalorización de las monedas está aún en lo más alto de la lista de
la mayoría de la gente, y ya existen situaciones que significan que debe tener
lugar antes de finales de este mes si se quiere evitar otro periodo de
Ciertamente, todo parece estar ya preparado, así que los que tienen
influencia tienen que trabajar duro para una rápida conclusión. El escenario ya
está establecido y todo está preparado para ponerse en marcha en el momento
oportuno. Parece que ya se han hecho algunos intentos de llevar a cabo un
cambio de monedas, y casi con certeza eso comenzará poco a poco.
Todos los
acontecimientos que pretenden elevaros a la Nueva Era ya están preparados,
aunque muy pocos saben las fechas exactas para su comienzo. Sin embargo, todo
marcha bien y más gente se está involucrando en la actividad que muy pronto llevará
a la acción.
Por todos los sitios hay señales de que la gente se está poniendo
inquieta y está buscando un liderazgo que sea capaz de manejar los problemas de
hoy día con el énfasis en una solución pacífica.
Los viejos métodos de
confrontación que aún continúan están siendo rechazados, pero para que esto sea
efectivo se necesita que la nueva gente que tome el control tenga intenciones
pacíficas. La gente también está cansada de los que gobiernan por la fuerza y
vuelven a la guerra para dirimir sus diferencias. Es hora de que nueva gente dé
un paso adelante y que tengan la paz en sus corazones y en sus almas.
Ellos tendrían un apoyo inmenso, y como un soplo de aire fresco
aventarían las viejas energías para dejar paso a las nuevas. Si los viejos
métodos no se cambian siempre habrá ciertos elementos entre vosotros que
recurrirán a demostraciones violentas para lograrlo. Las señales parecen
favorables para que se anuncie la nueva República, y sólo con esto se generará
una gran esperanza por el futuro.
Sí, hay muchos cambios esperando el momento
adecuado para darlos a conocer, y las circunstancias están cambiando para
La gente del mundo necesita un nuevo líder más que nunca, pero uno que
pueda unir a los países en un objetivo común por la paz mundial.
Esa persona
existe y sin duda asumirá el reto y tendrá éxito. Ya no estáis en la “sala de
la última oportunidad”, sino que tenéis los pies en la escalera que conduce a
vuestro objetivo y que traerá un gran flujo de amor y de bendiciones. Vuestro
futuro ya está asegurado, pero aún necesita de vuestro amor y de vuestro apoyo
para asegurar un tránsito suave.
Esas energías incitarán a la gente a entrar en
acción y asegurarán que la paz descienda sobre la Tierra. Debe pareceros
improbable frente al actual caos y las duras condiciones que existen, pero la
nueva energía ya está comenzando a tener efecto y ya hay un movimiento para
crear un mundo pacífico.
A pesar de lo que ocurra en el camino hacia la paz,
traerá la paz permanente como se prometió. Seguid con vuestros asuntos con
optimismo y extended la armonía y la buena voluntad en toda oportunidad.
No dudéis nunca del resultado de los acontecimientos que están sucediendo
sobre la Tierra, porque Dios ha hablado y ha decretado que reine el amor y la
paz. Toda alma tendrá la misma oportunidad de elevarse y de tomar el camino
hacia la Ascensión, pero en una situación de libre albedrío pueden tomar un
camino diferente que sin embargo les dará la oportunidad de ascender en la
siguiente ronda.
Claramente, algunas almas no están preparadas para ascender y
aún tienen asuntos sin terminar que deben limpiar en la Tierra. Es por tanto de
su interés limpiar primero el viejo karma y comenzar a caminar por el camino de
la Luz dejando atrás los viejos métodos y aceptando las nuevas energías.
Este año finalizará claramente como uno que trajo un gran cambio en la
forma en que la Humanidad ve a los demás y que al final está reconociendo la
Unidad de Todo lo que existe. El separatismo es ya una energía disolviendose
que gradualmente será rechazada, porque la gente se da cuenta de que durante
siglos han sido falsamente llevados a creer que todos son diferentes a todos los
La Religión y la Política han dividido a la gente y han incitado
batallas para mantener la autoridad sobre otros. La gente está despertando a la
verdad y ya demanda paz en la Tierra y el fin de todas las guerras.
Os dejo con amor y bendiciones, y que la Luz brille en vuestros días y en
vuestro camino hasta su finalización.
Este mensaje llega a través de mi Ser
En Amor y Luz.
Mike Quinsey
Traducción: PEC
“Queridos amigos,
Gracias por vuestro gran apoyo y por el trabajo que hacéis para expandir la Luz. Se agradece mucho, y sin vosotros la palabra no hubiera podido extenderse tan rápidamente. Muchos confían en fuentes tales como ésta y sé que encuentran mensajes de gran ayuda para avanzar en su propia evolución.
Voy a tomarme un descanso y como es habitual voy a visitar a mis dos hijos y a amigos en Devon. Comenzaré de nuevo los mensajes el viernes 6 de Octubre.
Quién sabe las cosas que pasarán en estas dos semanas, podría ser completamente sorprendente, porque los asuntos están avanzando muy rápidamente.
En Amor y en Luz, Mike Quinsey”
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 15 September 2017
As you are beginning to realise you are on the verge of something big,
because some events can no longer be held back and you can expect some action
very shortly. Fortunately you have been very patient, and it has made the
process of change so much easier. Whilst you are currently experiencing much
unrest due to the many changes, the old energies are clinging to the past but
it will be to no avail as the new must replace the old, and it shall be done.
It should make sense as the New Age is well under way even if you have not yet
knowingly experienced it. Nothing can stop what has already been set in motion,
and the commencement of the changes will soon occur in a way that you will
become aware of. There is always a degree of uncertainty particularly where a
big change is concerned, as it involves so many beings that need to play their
part to assure success.
Against all of the predictions concerning your present world weather conditions that suggest the temperatures are increasing all of the time, there comes the first suggestion that it is actually beginning to get colder. There are areas normally associated with extremely low temperatures where the resultant icy conditions have proved to be increasing. It has been attributed to climatic change by researchers from Canada. It could be looked upon as the commencement of a new Ice Age that has already been predicted. It clearly seems improbable yet the facts are beyond questioning and it has already led to the prophecy of a mini Ice Age that will start in most of your lifetimes. It is therefore possible to take precautions well before it causes any major events that are harmful to you. As time passes it will clearly become more evident as to where your weather conditions are going. So there is certainly no need to be concerned as long as due notice is taken of the outcome as things develop.
There are progressive steps being taken as a result of your increasing levels of consciousness. Pressure is being applied on orthodox methods of education that are being found unsuitable for many advanced students. Again it is signs of the changes that are being felt by many of you. Certainly something will have to change very soon otherwise the opportunity to give young people what they need will be lost, and mean that the abilities of a whole generation will have been affectively wasted. The young people of today are far more advanced and intelligent than their predecessors, and if Humanity is to benefit from their abilities they must be given the right opportunities to fully express themselves, and that will eventually be to every ones benefit.
Re-valuation of the currencies is still high on most people’s lists and situations now exist that mean it must take place before the end of this month, if you are to avoid a another period of delay. Certainly everything seems to ready now so those who have influence must work hard for a speedy conclusion. The stage is set and all is ready to go forward at short notice. It appears that some attempts have already been made to carry out an exchange of currencies, and it will almost certainly start off in a small way. All events that are intended to lift you into the New Age are at the ready and few people know the exact dates for their commencement. Nevertheless, all is going well and more people are becoming involved in the activity that should lead to action very soon.
There are signs everywhere that the people are getting restless, and look for leadership that will be able to handle today’s problems with the emphasis on a peaceful solution. The old ways of confrontation that still continue are being rejected, but to be effective it requires new people to take control who have peaceful intentions. People are also tired of those who rule by force and turn to war to settle their differences. It is time for new people to step forward who have peace in their hearts and souls. They would get immense support, and like a breath of fresh air they would blow away the old energies to make way for the new. If the old ways are not changed there are always certain elements amongst you that will resort to violent demonstrations to achieve them. The signs are looking favourable for the new Republic to be announced, and this alone will generate great hope for the future. Yes, there are many changes waiting for the right time for them to be known, and circumstances are changing for the better.
The people of the world need a new leader more than ever, but one who can bring countries together in a common pursuit for world peace. That person exists and will undoubtedly take on the challenge and be successful. You are no longer in the “last chance saloon” but have your feet on the ladder that reaches up to your goal that will bring about a great outpouring of love and blessings. Your future is now assured but it does still need your love and support to ensure a smooth passage. Such energies will galvanise the people into action and ensure that peace descends upon Earth. It must seem unlikely to you in the face of the present unrest and tough conditions that exist, but the new energy is already beginning to have an effect and there is a movement now towards creating a peaceful world. Regardless of what happens on the path to peace it will bring permanent peace as promised. Go about your business with an upbeat outlook and spread harmony and goodwill at every opportunity.
Never doubt the outcome to events taking place on Earth, as God has spoken and decreed that love and peace shall reign. Every soul will have an equal opportunity to rise up and take the path to Ascension, but in a freewill situation they can take a different path that is one that will nevertheless bring the opportunity to ascend around again. Some souls are clearly not ready to ascend, and still have unfinished business to clear upon Earth. It is therefore in their interests to first clear old karma, and start to walk on the path of Light leaving the old ways behind, and accepting the new energies.
This year will clearly end as one that brought about a great change to the way that Humanity sees all others, and at last is recognising the Oneness of All that exists. Separatism is now a fading energy that will gradually be rejected, as people realise that for centuries they have been falsely led to believe that all are different to each other. Religion and Politics have divided the people and battles have raged to assert authority over others. The people are awakening to the truth, and now demand peace on Earth and an end to all wars.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
Against all of the predictions concerning your present world weather conditions that suggest the temperatures are increasing all of the time, there comes the first suggestion that it is actually beginning to get colder. There are areas normally associated with extremely low temperatures where the resultant icy conditions have proved to be increasing. It has been attributed to climatic change by researchers from Canada. It could be looked upon as the commencement of a new Ice Age that has already been predicted. It clearly seems improbable yet the facts are beyond questioning and it has already led to the prophecy of a mini Ice Age that will start in most of your lifetimes. It is therefore possible to take precautions well before it causes any major events that are harmful to you. As time passes it will clearly become more evident as to where your weather conditions are going. So there is certainly no need to be concerned as long as due notice is taken of the outcome as things develop.
There are progressive steps being taken as a result of your increasing levels of consciousness. Pressure is being applied on orthodox methods of education that are being found unsuitable for many advanced students. Again it is signs of the changes that are being felt by many of you. Certainly something will have to change very soon otherwise the opportunity to give young people what they need will be lost, and mean that the abilities of a whole generation will have been affectively wasted. The young people of today are far more advanced and intelligent than their predecessors, and if Humanity is to benefit from their abilities they must be given the right opportunities to fully express themselves, and that will eventually be to every ones benefit.
Re-valuation of the currencies is still high on most people’s lists and situations now exist that mean it must take place before the end of this month, if you are to avoid a another period of delay. Certainly everything seems to ready now so those who have influence must work hard for a speedy conclusion. The stage is set and all is ready to go forward at short notice. It appears that some attempts have already been made to carry out an exchange of currencies, and it will almost certainly start off in a small way. All events that are intended to lift you into the New Age are at the ready and few people know the exact dates for their commencement. Nevertheless, all is going well and more people are becoming involved in the activity that should lead to action very soon.
There are signs everywhere that the people are getting restless, and look for leadership that will be able to handle today’s problems with the emphasis on a peaceful solution. The old ways of confrontation that still continue are being rejected, but to be effective it requires new people to take control who have peaceful intentions. People are also tired of those who rule by force and turn to war to settle their differences. It is time for new people to step forward who have peace in their hearts and souls. They would get immense support, and like a breath of fresh air they would blow away the old energies to make way for the new. If the old ways are not changed there are always certain elements amongst you that will resort to violent demonstrations to achieve them. The signs are looking favourable for the new Republic to be announced, and this alone will generate great hope for the future. Yes, there are many changes waiting for the right time for them to be known, and circumstances are changing for the better.
The people of the world need a new leader more than ever, but one who can bring countries together in a common pursuit for world peace. That person exists and will undoubtedly take on the challenge and be successful. You are no longer in the “last chance saloon” but have your feet on the ladder that reaches up to your goal that will bring about a great outpouring of love and blessings. Your future is now assured but it does still need your love and support to ensure a smooth passage. Such energies will galvanise the people into action and ensure that peace descends upon Earth. It must seem unlikely to you in the face of the present unrest and tough conditions that exist, but the new energy is already beginning to have an effect and there is a movement now towards creating a peaceful world. Regardless of what happens on the path to peace it will bring permanent peace as promised. Go about your business with an upbeat outlook and spread harmony and goodwill at every opportunity.
Never doubt the outcome to events taking place on Earth, as God has spoken and decreed that love and peace shall reign. Every soul will have an equal opportunity to rise up and take the path to Ascension, but in a freewill situation they can take a different path that is one that will nevertheless bring the opportunity to ascend around again. Some souls are clearly not ready to ascend, and still have unfinished business to clear upon Earth. It is therefore in their interests to first clear old karma, and start to walk on the path of Light leaving the old ways behind, and accepting the new energies.
This year will clearly end as one that brought about a great change to the way that Humanity sees all others, and at last is recognising the Oneness of All that exists. Separatism is now a fading energy that will gradually be rejected, as people realise that for centuries they have been falsely led to believe that all are different to each other. Religion and Politics have divided the people and battles have raged to assert authority over others. The people are awakening to the truth, and now demand peace on Earth and an end to all wars.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your great support and the work you do to spread the Light. It is greatly appreciated and without you the word could not have spread so quickly. Many rely on sources such as this and I know that they find the messages of great help in advancing their own evolution.
I am taking a break and as usual going to visit my two sons and friends in Devon. I shall re-commence the messages on Friday the 6th October.
Who knows where things will be in two weeks time, it could be quite surprising as matters are moving along quite quickly.
In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.
Thank you for your great support and the work you do to spread the Light. It is greatly appreciated and without you the word could not have spread so quickly. Many rely on sources such as this and I know that they find the messages of great help in advancing their own evolution.
I am taking a break and as usual going to visit my two sons and friends in Devon. I shall re-commence the messages on Friday the 6th October.
Who knows where things will be in two weeks time, it could be quite surprising as matters are moving along quite quickly.
In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.
Regálanos un "Me Gusta"
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