
Mundial Agartha - Parte I
La Historia Real Detrás del Simposio Mundial Agartha para la Humanidad
Cómo empezó todo, la historia de atrás.
En mayo de 2014, Sandra y Natalie Sabatini de la Red Mundial de otros mundos realizaron tres importantes entrevistas con la Embajadora Maassen y su estudiante / traductora, Oana Dembele. Los tres videos relacionados con la "Voz de Agartha"

Han transcurrido tres años desde la primera presentación inicial de la Embajadora Maassen al público estadounidense.
Desde entonces ha continuado compartiendo sus conocimientos sobre medicina cuántica y tecnologías futuras en su clínica en Rumania.
En un esfuerzo por educar a la población humana global sobre sus verdaderos orígenes e introducir estudios sobre la conciencia, desde entonces ha comenzado a divulgar más información al público en general en Europa.
Incluso dio recientemente una entrevista integral para el reconocido experto exopolítico, Alfred Webre visto aquí .

Aunque la información sobre Agartha y la Tierra Interior se han convertido en temas candentes adoptados por varios individuos dentro de la comunidad OVNI, la embajadora Maassen fue la primero persona en abordar extensamente el tema de Agartha .
En diciembre de 2016, Tamarinda Maassen, embajadora en el Reino de la Tierra Interna y profesora principal de la Escuela antigua de la sabiduría, se acercó a una integrante del Network World Global, Sandra D. Sabatini para discutir la posibilidad de acoger un evento de importancia monumental en Nueva York.
Siempre al tanto de la conciencia colectiva y la importancia de alcanzar el tiempo-espacio apropiado, la embajadora Maassen preguntó directamente Sandra D. Sabatini
“Están [las personas] listas para recibir la información que Agartha tiene que ofrecer?”
“¿Van a entender el carácter sagrado de la información? "
Tras una profunda consideración de las preguntas de la Embajadora Maassen, el Network World Global estaba preparada para abrir discusiones de esperanza y creencia en la humanidad.
Con un profundo respeto y agradecimiento a la embajadora, la gente de Network WorldGlobal, representada por Sandra Sabatini y Natalie aceptó la invitación para acoger a Tamarinda Maassen y a dos de sus estudiantes de alto nivel de la Agartha / Hiperbórea - Antigua Escuela de la Sabiduría, Teodor Maassen y Oana Dembele.
El curso se fijó, con una misión específica - la siguiente sería la inclusión de invitados especiales seleccionados por la embajadora con la entrada de Sandra Sabatini.
Se formó una verdadera colaboración.
Cuando el
Simposio Mundial Agartha para la Humanidad (ATHWS - Agartha to Humanity World
Symposium) fue lanzado oficialmente al público a través del anuncio de un comunicado
de prensa global en diciembre de 2016, hubo quienes cuestionaron la validez del
Varios expresaron que el ATHWS no podría llegar a realizarse y temían un cierre del gobierno.
Para nuestros asistentes virtuales, así como nuestros moderadores de chat, pronto se hizo evidente que efectivamente había un esfuerzo concentrado de ciertas agencias gubernamentales para destruir cualquier rastro de contenido de video del ATHWS.
Nuestros lectores globales pueden estar interesados en saber que algunos de nuestros asistentes físicos eran agentes chinos, rusos y estadounidenses, curiosos de ver qué sería revelado en el evento.
Nos gustaría informar a estos agentes que su presencia era conocida desde el principio.
Especialmente aquellos de ustedes que personalmente se revelaron a la Embajadora Maassen y pidieron una consulta privada. Por lo menos, esperamos que todos los que asistieron al simposio apreciaron la información dotada a la humanidad.
Desde el inicio del Simposio Mundial Agartha hasta la Humanidad, se comprendió que muchos de los que se enfrentaron al evento no podrían reconocer su importancia crítica a mayor escala.
Después de todo, para el observador externo, el propósito del simposio fue discutir el tema de la Tierra Interior.
Debido a una falta de comprensión, los detractores no tomaron en consideración "el plan más grande".
La humanidad, nuestros representantes humanos, nuestros asistentes a ATHWS (físicos y virtuales) fueron testigos de un cambio dramático que afectó al continuo tiempo-espacio.
Independientemente de si eran o no conscientes de su participación, estos asistentes dieron el primer paso hacia la divulgación global.
¿Pensaste que estábamos solos?
Lo que es visible a nuestra percepción no siempre representa con precisión la totalidad del espacio que ocupamos.
Los asistentes y seguidores del Simposio Mundial Agartha para la Humanidad (ATHWS) estarán encantados de saber que este evento crítico fue atestiguado por los de arriba.
Como dice el refrán, "Como arriba, tan abajo. Como se mencionó anteriormente, el ATHWS fue supervisado de cerca por varios organismos gubernamentales.
Estos incluyen aproximadamente 10-llamados "AT & T" camionetas blancas.
Cuando las furgonetas de esa cantidad están presentes para un evento de tres días – sin interrupción de Internet informó por el hotel - desde la mañana hasta la noche, sin ninguna razón para su presencia, la intención nefasta se vuelve evidente y obvio.
Estaban allí para detener cualquier Live! Streaming (señal) digital (bloqueo / congelación de la secuencia) de salir del evento. Lo que hicieron.
A pesar de la intención fijada en el ATHWS, así como de los ataques psíquicos dirigidos contra la Embajadora Maassen, nunca debemos olvidar las culturas cósmicas que están mirando y esperando a la humanidad.
Los Agartianos no son los únicos seres que han estado esperando a que la humanidad se prepare para la revelación.
Docenas de seres diferentes pudieron ver el evento.
Esto fue confirmado por la propia Embajadora cuando ella hizo saber que había seres en la habitación y de lejos que estaban presentes ...
Lo más importante es que la humanidad está esperando por sí misma. Nosotros somos los que hemos estado esperando.
¿Qué implica la revelación?
La revelación implica un cambio en la percepción, la conciencia y la psicología.
Prepararse para interactuar con seres interdimensionales (ya sean corpóreos o no físicos) requiere inteligencia y una comprensión crucial de la física cuántica, la naturaleza y las culturas cósmicas.
¿Qué mejor método para expandir la conciencia que volver a los componentes básicos –las enseñanzas fundamentales perpetuadas por los seres sabios desde el principio de los tiempos?
Los secretos de la vida y los secretos de la conciencia están incrustados en mandalas –un tema ampliamente discutido en el ATHWS por el monje y estudiante mayor de la antigua escuela de sabiduría Teodor Maassen.
Entre el
propósito de los mandalas, mencionó cómo los mandalas son vehículos vivos que pueden
cambiar la realidad.

(Arriba: es un mandala personal creado por Teodor Maassen para Natalie N. Sabatini)
Muchos Mandalas tienen el codigo fuente (término informático) para hackear, la realidad tal y como lo conocemos - afirma Sandra Sabatini.
¿Empezando a ver la correlación?
El ATHWS no sólo fue un punto de partida para discutir el tema de los Agartianos, sino que también fue un curso intensivo de 3 días diseñado para enseñar a los asistentes cómo interactuar con culturas cósmicas.
Este simposio fue un primer paso para la humanidad.
Para participar con otras culturas en una escala galáctica, intergaláctica e interdimensional, la humanidad debe primero aprender sobre sí mismo a través de la naturaleza.
Hay mucho sobre nuestro propio ADN, así como nuestra propia historia personal que ha sido suprimida, psíquica y físicamente con tecnología por grupos de interés especiales.
En un nivel más amplio, reconocemos que hay miedo.
Sin embargo, creemos que este temor ha surgido debido a una falta de comprensión.
La humanidad ha sido dotada de la oportunidad de cambiar su futuro colectivo como el plazo de siete años para la divulgación global comienza ahora.
¿Qué fue discutido en el Simposio?
Cientos de seguidores del ATHWS han escrito para preguntar sobre lo que compartía la Embajadora Maassen y los otros oradores.
Cada uno de los oradores tuvo la oportunidad de compartir su experiencia, así como información sobre Rumania, que está directamente relacionada con el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la humanidad.
* La siguiente información es un simple resumen de la información presentada por cada orador y no representa un análisis completo de la información presentada *
Presentación 1 | Embajadora Tamarinda Maassen:

La Embajadora Maassen discutió la naturaleza de la realidad.
Según la embajador, hay varios planos de existencia y el plano de la humanidad reside más cerca del reino de los demonios, a pesar de la luz contenida en el alma humana.
Entre varias revelaciones sobre la condición humana, la embajadora explicó que actualmente, sólo una parte de los que habitan el planeta son reales.
Algunos parecen ser reales.
Sin embargo, estas personas son simplemente proyecciones que ocupan este planeta, no son verdaderamente reales.
La humanidad está pasando por una fase de transición y aquellos
que logran hacer el cambio con
éxito se encontrarán en la Tierra real.

La Embajadora también aclaró sobre las entidades parásitas que atacan a la humanidad.
Los virus, la bacterias, el herpes y el cáncer se originan de parásitos o hongos que entran en el torrente sanguíneo del huésped y luego se alojan en el cerebro y otros órganos vitales del cuerpo.
El SIDA y el VIH fueron mencionados como creaciones hechas por el hombre para destruir el sistema inmunológico humano.
Entre las conversaciones de demonios y parásitos sin embargo, la Embajadora reveló que el SIDA y otras enfermedades eran curables con la ayuda de tecnologı́as cuánticas.
También discutió con qué frecuencia nuestros pensamientos personales tienen el potencial de ser perjudiciales para nuestro bienestar fı́sico, espiritual y mental.
El poder de la mente-nuestros pensamientos- tiene la capacidad de cambiar nuestra estructura celular en 20 minutos.
Nuestros lectores globales estarán encantados de saber que los poderes de las energı́as femenina y masculina también fueron expuestos en términos de creaciones.
La mujer tiene el poder de crear vida mientras que el varón lleva miles de potenciales dentro de sı́ mismo.
Los asistentes tuvieron la oportunidad de hacer preguntas en tiempo real durante las distintas conferencias.
Se discutieron sobre el origen de los Solomonari, ası́ como su capacidad para controlar el clima.
Los Solomonari fueron reconocidos como guardianes de los sitios sagrados en toda Rumania.
Estos individuos a menudo aparecen como mendigos, pero su verdadero propósito es probar el valor y los corazones de los que encuentran.
Fueron comparados a sabios magos con intimo conocimiento de la naturaleza y del universo.
Se proporcionó́ información limitada sobre los cromosomas 23 y 24.
La Embajadora destacó la importancia de estos cromosomas para el futuro, ya que están directamente vinculados con el corazón y la evolución de la humanidad.
The Real Story Behind the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium October 2, 2017 Article by, Natalie N. Sabatini

How it all began, the back story.
In May of 2014, Other World Global Network’s Sandra and Natalie Sabatini conducted three significant interviews with Ambassador Maassen and her student/translator, Oana Dembele. All three videos pertaining to the “Voice of Agartha” [Parts 1-3] are available in Romanian with English translations and English/Romanian transcripts are located on the Other World Global TV website.
Three years have passed since the first initial introduction of Ambassador Maassen to the American public. Since that time she has continued to share her knowledge about quantum medicine and future technologies at her clinic in Romania. In an effort to educate the global human population about its true origins and introduce consciousness studies, she has since began to disclose more information to the general public in Europe. She even gave recently an comprehensive interview to world-renown Exopolitical expert, Alfred Webre seen here.
Although information about Agartha and Inner Earth have become hot topics adopted by several individuals within the UFO community, Ambassador Maassen was the first individual to extensively address the subject of Agartha—a place she’s intimately familiar with and lovingly calls “home”.
On December 2016, Tamarinda Maassen, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Inner Earth and Master Teacher of the Ancient School of Wisdom, reached out to Other World Global Network’s Sandra D. Sabatini to discuss the possibility of hosting an event of monumental consequence in New York. Always aware of the collective consciousness and the significance of reaching the appropriate time-space, Ambassador Maassen directly asked Sandra D. Sabatini “Are [the people] ready to receive the information Agartha has to offer?” “Will they understand the sacredness of the information?” Upon deep consideration of Ambassador Maassen’s questions, Other World Global Network was prepared to open discussions of hope and belief in humanity. Out of profound respect and gratitude to the ambassador, Other World Global Network’s Sandra and Natalie Sabatini accepted the invitation to host Tamarinda Maassen and two of her senior students from the Agarthan/Hyperborean - Ancient School of Wisdom, Teodor Maassen and Oana Dembele. The course was set, with a specific mission - next would be the inclusion of special guest speakers selected by The Amabassador with input by Sandra Sabatini. A ture collaberation was formed.
When the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium (ATHWS) was officially released to the public through announcement of a global press release in December 2016, there were those who questioned the validity of the event. Several expressed the ATHWS would not take place and feared a government shut-down. For our virtual attendees as well as our chat moderators, it soon became apparent that there was indeed a concentrated effort from certain government agencies to destroy any trace of video content from the ATHWS. Our global readers may be interested to know that some our physical attendees were Chinese, Russian, and American agents, curious to see what would be disclosed at the event. We would like to inform these agents that your presence was known from the beginning. Especially those of you who personally revealed yourselves to Ambassador Maassen and asked for a private consultation. At the very least, we hope everyone who attended the symposium appreciated the information gifted to humanity.
Since the inception of the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium, it was understood that many who encountered the event would fail to recognize its critical significance on a larger scale. After all, to the outside observer the symposium’s purpose was to discuss the subject of Inner Earth. Due to a lack of understanding, detractors failed to take into consideration “the larger plan”. Humanity—our human representatives, our ATHWS attendees (physical and virtual)—were witnesses to a dramatic change affecting the time-space continuum. Whether or not they were cognizant of their participation, these attendees took the first step towards global disclosure.
Did you think we were alone?
What is visible to our perception does not always accurately portray the totality of the space we occupy. Attendees and followers of the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium (ATHWS) will be delighted to know that this critical event was witnessed by those above. As the saying goes, “As above, so below. As previously mentioned, the ATHWS was closely monitored by various government agencies. These included approximately 10-so called “AT&T” white vans. When vans of that quantity are present for a three-day event—with no internet outage reported by the hotel—from morning until evening, without any reason for their presence, nefarious intent becomes blatantly obvious. They were there to stop any Live! Streaming (signal) digitally (jamming/freezing the stream) from coming out of the event. Which they did.
Despite the intent fixed on the ATHWS, as well as the psychic attacks directed against Ambassador Maassen, we must never forget the cosmic cultures who are watching and waiting for humanity. The Agarthans are not the only beings who have been waiting for humanity to prepare for disclosure. Dozens of different beings were able to view the event. This was confirmed by the Ambassador herself when she made it known their were beings in the room and from afar that were present.... Most importantly, humanity is waiting for itself. We are the ones we have been waiting for.
What does disclosure imply?
Disclosure implies a change in perception, consciousness, and psychology. Preparing oneself to interact with interdimensional beings (whether corporeal or non-physical) requires intelligence and a crucial understanding of quantum physics, nature, and cosmic cultures. What better method to expand consciousness than to return to the basic components—the fundamental teachings perpetuated by wise beings since the beginning of time? The secrets of life and the secrets of consciousness are imbedded in mandalas—a subject extensively discussed at the ATHWS by monk and senior student of the Ancient School of Wisdom Teodor Maassen. Among the purpose of mandalas, he mentioned how mandalas are living vehicles that can change reality. If you are interested in recieving you own personal Mandala you can contact Teodor here.

(Above: is a personal mandala created by Teodor Maassen for Natalie N. Sabatini)
Many Mandalas hold the source code (computer term) to hack reality as we know it - states, Sandra Sabatini.
Starting to see the correlation?
The ATHWS was not only an inception point to discuss the Agarthans, it was also a 3-day intensive course designed to teach attendees how to interact with cosmic cultures. This symposium was a first step for humankind. In order to participate with other cultures on a galactic, intergalactic, and interdimensional scale, humanity must first learn about itself through nature. There is much about our own DNA, as well as our own personal history which has been suppressed, both psychically and physically with technology by special interest groups.
On a larger level, we recognize there is fear. However, we believe this fear has arisen due to a lack of understanding. Humanity has been gifted the opportunity to change its collective future as the seven year timeline for global disclosure begins now.
What was discussed at the Symposium?
Hundreds of followers of the ATHWS have written to ask about what was shared by Ambassador Maassen and the other speakers. Each of the speakers had the opportunity to share their expertise as well as information about Romania which is directly connected to humanity’s past, present, and future.
***The information below is a simple summary of the information presented by each speaker and does not represent a comprehensive analysis of the information presented ***
Presentation 1 | Ambassador Tamarinda Maassen

Ambassador Maassen discussed the nature of reality. According to the Ambassador, there are several planes of existence and humanity’s plane resides closer to realm of the demons, despite the light contained within the human soul. Among several revelations about the human condition, the Ambassador explained that currently, only a portion of those inhabiting the planet are real. Some appear to be real. However, these people are merely projections occupying this planet—they are not truly real. Humanity is undergoing a transitional phase and those who manage to successfully make the shift will find themselves on the real Earth.

The Ambassador also elucidated about parasitic entities who attack and prey upon humanity. Viruses, bacteriuria, herpes and cancer originate from parasites or fungi which make their way into the bloodstream of the host and then lodge themselves in the brain and other vital organs of the body. AIDS and HIV were mentioned as man-made creations used to destroy the human immune system. Among talks of demons and parasites however, the Ambassador revealed that AIDS and other diseases were curable with the assistance of quantum technologies. She also discussed how often our personal thoughts have the potential to be detrimental to our physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. The power of the mind—our thoughts—have the ability to change our cellular structure within 20 minutes.
Our global readers will be excited to know that the powers of the feminine and masculine energies were also expounded upon in terms of creations. The woman has the power to create life while the male carries thousands of potentials within himself. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions in real time during the various lectures.
Questions about the origin of the Solomonari, as well their ability to control the weather were discussed. The Solomonari were recognized as guardians to sacred sites throughout Romania. These individuals often appear as beggars yet their real purpose is to test the worthiness and hearts of those they encounter. They were likened to wise magicians with intimate knowledge of nature and the universe.
Limited information was given regarding chromosomes 23 and 24. The Ambassador stressed the importance of these chromosomes for the future as they are directly linked to the heart and the evolution of humanity.

Presentation 2 | Teodor Maassen:
The second speaker was a student of the Ancient School of Wisdom (ASOW), Teodor Maassen who is a monk. Teodor discussed his experience being a part of the Ambassador’s family, as well as a student of the ASOW. He spoke about his encountered with various difficulties, trainings, and initiations which left him almost an inch from death.
Among other things, his training involves energy work and the creation of mandalas. Mandalas were explained to potentiate a specific reality for the individual they were intended for. According to Teodor, the creation of a mandala is only allowed upon the permission of certain masters as the power behind the mandala can literally change a person’s reality matrix.
Presentation 3 | Dr. David Lewis Anderson:

Dr. David Lewis Anderson joined the ATHWS virtually as the third speaker. He is a well-known and internationally respected time travel researcher and expert on the subject of time travel. Dr. Anderson discussed some of the history associated with time travel and how information regarding the subject is closely guarded by each country. Not only was time travel discussed as a possibility in the future, its applications for imminent technologies such as free energy were also mentioned. However, Dr. Anderson also brought attention to the diminished research collaborative opportunities within the time travel research area.
Dr. Anderson also spoke about the moral responsibility with the use and application of time travel technology. He stressed the need to establish ethical boundaries with its use. He mentioned how unintended and unforeseen consequences could and do arise with the use of time travel technologies. Dr. Anderson discussed some of the controlled research in the lab demonstrated how aspects of the technology where found to have unforeseen consequences beyond the intended limits of their control.

According to Dr. Anderson, it is possible to attain a basic understanding of time travel with high school algebra. He believes this material should be taught and reinforced in schools.

During Dr. David Lewis Anderson’s presentation various members of the audience were given the opportunity to ask him questions directly on different subjects. One of the people who had the opportunity to ask Dr. Anderson a question was Other World Global Network’s - Sandra D. Sabatini. Sandra asked Dr. Anderson, out of all the information he shared during his presentation what was the one thing he wanted humanity to know he felt was the most important message. Dr. Anderson responded, the moral and ethical component to Time Travel and how everything is interconnected.
During his presentation he also affirmed he was working on disclosure of this technology to the public. We certainly hope to see Dr. Anderson soon. As all of us united together we can bring forward disclosure to Humanity.
We would like to direct the reader to some FREE educational resources from Dr. David Lewis Anderson that discuss many subject related to Time Travel. Dr. Anderson has the following FREE videos available: Click Here
And a rare exclusive interview he gave to Sandra D. Sabatini at Other World Global Radio in December 22, 2012 you may listing to for FREE: Click Here
You may also see the Time Reactor Patent by Dr. David Lewis Anderson in this article that was revealed to the world for FREE by Sandra Sabatini for Other World Global Magazine published in February 19, 2017 Click Here
Presentation 4 | Peter Moon:

Author and publisher Peter Moon provided information about various sacred sites throughout Romania. Over the course of his trips to Romania, he has learned about the history of Transylvania and some information which he connects to his own personal journey. Peter Moon is the American publisher of the famous Romanian book series by Radu Cinamar, Transylvania Sunrise, Mystery of Egypt - The First Tunnel, Transylvania Moonrise, and The Secret Parchment: Five Tibetan Initiation techniques among others. His lecture concerned the findings published on the Bucegi Mountains in Romania which house the ancient holographic hall of records and the historical repository left behind for humanity. The holographic library contains technologies capable of generating different genetic combinations to create possible hybrids. The books by the author Radu Cinamar detail how the hall of records can only be accessed by select individuals.
In a recent email exchange with Peter Moon he stated Radu Cinamar's NEW Book about the Inner Earth will be coming out in English in the new year. Stay tuned as you will NOT want to miss that read!
UPDATE: "Peter Moon has also agreed to give a interview on Other World Global Network, it has been 7-years since he last join us at OWGN, so stay tuned for one heck of an update. Details will be released about the broadcast date and time of this interview'.
-Sandra D. Sabatini
You can learn more about the work of Peter Moon here.
Presentation 5| Oana Dembele:
Senior student of Romania’s Ancient School of Wisdom (ASOW) spoke of the history of Romania. Lecturing on how the myths and stories shared in childhood with Romanian children are in fact accurate representations of their past civilizations. She detailed her experience as a student in the ASOW and the process of unfoldment—her personal journey into learning about divinity and nature. She discussed the initation of the Dacian priestesses and their roles within their communities. These women were described as the leaders in each of the respective community’s they presided over. They were respected and revered for their power, strength, and knowledge. An open invitation to learn more about the ASOW was offered to all attendees. For further information, please contact the Ancient School of Wisdom here.
Presentation 6 | Alexander Duncan Cameron:
Time traveler, empath, and mind researcher Duncan Cameron was the sixth and final speaker. Duncan’s direct experience with the Montauk Project, as well as his extensive studies on energy, made him the perfect candidate to discuss the subconscious and conscious aspects of the mind. He not only discussed the nature of reality and the interconnected nature of humanity. According to Duncan, our collective consciousness formulates our present reality.
Duncan opened up to the ATHWS attendees and discussed his personal story regarding his programming introduced by those at Montauk. He openly spoke about the emotional challenges and side effects he faced on his path to well-being and self-rediscovery. Duncan’s participation in various projects, as well as his own research has allowed him to make amazing discoveries about consciousness and reality. In his lecture he spoke about energetic signatures and how anyone on this planet could be found within 15 minutes as a result of our unique signatures.
He also spoke of how everyone on earth has a double. Among Duncan’s perspectives on sound and music, he also shared his knowledge of cosmic cultures—including Reptilians.
For those who are interested in learning more about Duncan in person, Other World Global Network will be hosting Duncan Cameron in Louisville, Kentucky in December. You can learn more about his 2-Seminar event here. You may also visit Duncan’s website here and his NEW website portal here.
In Conclusion…

(Photo: Sandra Sabatini, Tamarina Maassen, Natalie Sabatini, Teodor Maassen, Peter Moon, Duncan Cameron, and many of the Symposium attendees)
Other World Global Network -Sandra D. Sabatini & Natalie N. Sabatini would like to express infinite gratitude to Ambassador Tamarinda Maassen for the opportunity to host her, as well as Teodor Maassen and Oana Dembele for the Agartha to Humanity World Symposium. A big thank you to Duncan Cameron, Dr. David Lewis Anderson, and Peter Moon for their shared contributions which further enriched the content of the symposium. We would also like to extend our sincere heartfilled thankfulness to our live and virtual attendees, your contributions made it possible to cover the full operating costs of this event. This was the first funded by the people, for the people event.
Lets Stay Connected
For those who would like to connect with either Sandra or Natalie, please contact us via Facebook. We operate Other World Global Network as a free and independent alternative multi-media network (Radio – TV- Magazine) created for the people, by the people check us out here and sign up for a FREE eNewsletter. Our global online community is available for those who are interested in being a part of a growing quantum community as we are attempting to create global self-sufficiency and change, please see Earth Hope. For those interested in our upcoming tours in Kentucky to Mammoth Cave we announced at the symposium by Sacred Spirit Tours and Global Travel Adventures you can learn more here.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have some exciting news for our international audience

Other World Global Network will be launching The Event Conference in 2018!
The Event Conference: The World’s Largest Disclosure Event for Humanity in 2018. For those of you who are prepared for the ultimate event of unprecedented proportion with new and internationally recognized speakers and so much more!
Visit our website, follow us for updates, we hope to see you for The Event in 2018. Please feel free to sign up for the email list there to be notified about this historic event.
Other World Global Network | www.OtherWorldGlobalNetwork.com
Other World Global TV | Voice of Agartha interview with Tamarinda Maassen 2014 video archives: http://www.otherworldglobalnetwork.com/2014-tv-archives-free-to-view
Duncan Cameron | Be Fre∞ Event: December 9th - 10th, 2017
THE EVENT Conference | 2018 | https://www.theeventlive.com/
The Ancient School of Wisdom | http://www.enlamda.svit.ro/
Duncan Cameron | www.duncancameronrealitywalker.com and www.duncancameronrealitywalker.net
Dr. David Lewis Anderson | www.andersoninsitute.com
Peter Moon | www.skybooksusa.com
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