Mensaje importante de la Madre María
La Madre María dice, corazón mío, soy la Madre María. Vengo hoy
con un mensaje importante. Divino ha decretado que la ascensión planetaria ha
alcanzado un punto en el que toda verdad debe salir. Verdad relacionada con el
planeta y la verdad relacionada con el origen de la humanidad. La verdad sobre
nuestra existencia en el planeta y la verdad sobre la ascensión del planeta. La
verdad es que todas las ascensiones planetarias requieren un gran esfuerzo y
trabajo conjunto. No hay excepción aquí en la tierra. Tenemos que dejar que el
planeta y la humanidad sepan que estamos aquí, y que somos el equipo Divino.
Estamos aquí para que podamos liderar y ser una ayuda. El planeta necesita
ayuda, ayuda del cielo en el tiempo de esta forma. El planeta mismo lo sabe y
sus hijos deben saberlo. Estamos aquí para liderar la ascensión planetaria para
la humanidad. Estamos aquí porque es necesario de acuerdo con la ley. Estamos
aquí porque somos los que representan el planeta y la humanidad. Es el diseño,
y ahora es el momento de darlo a conocer. Estamos aquí para quedarnos, no solo
por el tiempo de la ascensión solamente. Estamos aquí para quedarnos a largo plazo.
Lo que quiero decir con eso es que vamos a liderar la ascensión planetaria,
llevar a la humanidad a casa y permanecer con la humanidad después de la
ascensión porque es nuestro deseo hacerlo. De acuerdo con la ley espiritual,
podemos quedarnos si así lo decidimos. La ley dice que somos uno, procedemos de
la misma fuente y tenemos la conciencia de la unidad. No hay separación Por lo
tanto, elegimos quedarnos, al menos por el momento. ¿En cuanto a cuánto tiempo
se logrará esta ascensión? No tenemos una evaluación exacta. Sin embargo, sí
sabemos, es una vida, la vida de un ser humano, es en cuánto al tiempo que se
permitirá. ¿Cuánto tiempo la tierra será estable? Puedes preguntar, diríamos,
depende. Depende de cuán rápido la tierra pueda sacudirse toda esa energía
vieja, y cuán pronto pueda adaptar la nueva normalidad y eso es todo lo que
podemos compartir en este momento. La Madre Tierra trabaja muy duro en este
momento sacudiendo la energía innecesaria. Ella está en el ciclo de deshacerse
de lo viejo. Una vez que este ciclo haya terminado, ella continuará la
reasignación y reorganización y esa es la parte más desafiante para la
humanidad porque significa desastres naturales, y significa que las almas
tienen que abandonar el planeta si es su momento, y las almas tienen que
moverse si sus regiones necesitan ser movidas. Va a haber una gran cantidad de recolocaciones,
diría yo. La Tierra lo hará bastante rápido para que pueda pasar a la siguiente
fase. Entonces, mi consejo es mantenerse alerta, escuchar los mensajes Divinos
y sus fuentes.
La humanidad se va a acostumbrar a la idea de que Divine está a
cargo en el planeta ahora y Divine es la fuente de información en términos de
lo que está sucediendo en el planeta a diario. Lo diseñamos de esta manera, y
lo llevaremos a cabo en breve. Lo verás pronto
Además de esto, también queremos que el planeta y la humanidad
sepan que la Divina Madre / Padre Dios está aquí. Se darán a conocer para que
el planeta pueda unificarse y actuar juntos en nombre de uno. Divine diseñó que
Washington DC va a ser el centro espiritual, y Divine Mother / Father God
residirá allí, en Washington DC, el centro para el planeta, el centro
espiritual y el centro de la presencia divina.
Además de la presencia Divina, también presentaremos a nuestros
hermanos y hermanas estelares al planeta y a la humanidad. Es hora. Nuestros
hermanos y hermanas de las estrellas han estado en el planeta desde hace eones.
Han estado ayudando diligentemente en nuestros asuntos planetarios y ayudando a
la humanidad a crecer. Son guardianes del planeta y merecen el reconocimiento y
la conciencia de la humanidad. Eso es algo que queremos asegurarnos de que
Por último, queremos que el planeta y la humanidad conozcan la
existencia de nuestros amados trabajadores de la luz. Ellos son los que están
aquí para ayudar. Uno por uno, necesitan ser conocidos porque son ellos quienes
hacen el trabajo duro en nombre de la humanidad. Ellos son los que más han sido
descuidados por la sociedad. Solo porque sus vibraciones son diferentes. Esos
días han terminado queridos trabajadores de la luz. Los días en que está siendo
abusado, descuidado o discriminado han terminado. Ustedes son los gobernantes,
los líderes del planeta, porque ese es el diseño, para eso están aquí. Celebra
a tus seres queridos, ve a celebrarte por fin llega a la cima, llega a la
Soy la Madre María, te amo. En las próximas semanas, lo que he
anunciado aquí se manifestará en su realidad. Recordar mis palabras, queridos.
Ha llegado el momento. Estamos aquí. Las cosas han cambiado. Nuestro tiempo ha
llegado, ven a celebrar, conmigo la Madre María, todos ustedes, celebren. Soy
la Madre María, te amo. Así es.
Linda Li
Important message from Mother Mary
October 30th, 2017
By Linda Li
October 30th, 2017
By Linda Li
Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I come today
with an important message. Divine has decreed that the planetary ascension has
reached a point that all truth has to come out. Truth related to the planet
herself and truth related to the origin of humanity. The truth about our
existence on the planet and the truth about the planet ascension. The truth is
that all planetary ascensions require a great deal of effort, and work
togetherness. There is no exception here on earth. We have to let the planet
and humanity know that we are here, and we are the Divine team. We are here so
that we can lead and be a help. The planet needs help, help from heaven in time
like this. The planet herself knows that, and her children need to know that.
We are here to lead the planetary ascension for humanity. We are here because
it is needed according to the law. We are here because we are the ones that
represent the planet and humanity. It is the design, and now is the time to
make it known. We are here to stay, not just for the ascension alone. We are
here to stay for the long haul. What I mean by that is that we are going to
lead the planetary ascension, lead humanity home and stay with humanity after
the ascension because it is our desire to do so. It is according to the
spiritual law that we can stay if we choose to. The law says that we are one,
from the same source and we are unity consciousness. There is no separation.
So, we choose to stay, at least for the time being. As for how long this
ascension will be achieved? We haven't have exact assessment. However, we do
know, it is a life time, a human being's lifetime, that is how long will be
allowed. How long the earth will be stable? You may ask, we would say, it
depends. It depends on how quickly the earth can shake off all that old energy,
and how soon she can adapt the new normal and that is all we can share at the
moment. Mother Earth works very hard at the moment shaking off the unnecessary
energy. She is in the cycle of getting rid of the old. Once this cycle is over,
she is going to continue the remapping and reorganization and that is the most
challenging part for humanity because it means natural disasters, and it means
souls have to leave the planet if it is their time, and souls have to move if
their regions need to be moved. There is going to be a lot of remapping I would
say. The earth is going to do it rather quickly so that she can move on to the
next phase. So, my advice is to stay alert, listen to the Divine messages. And
that is the source from.
Humanity is going to get used to the idea that Divine is in charge on the planet now and Divine is the source of information in terms of what is happening on the planet on the daily basis. We designed it this way, and we will carry it out shortly. You will see it soon.
Besides this, we also want the planet and humanity to know that Divine Mother/Father God is here. They are going to make themselves known so that the planet can be unified and can act together in the name of one. Divine designed that Washington DC is going to be the spiritual center, and Divine Mother/Father God is going to reside there, in Washington DC, the center for the planet, spiritual center, and the center for Divine presence.
Besides Divine presence, we also will introduce our star brothers and sisters to the planet and humanity. It is time. Our star brothers and sisters have been on the planet since eons ago. They have been diligently assisting our planetary affairs and helping humanity to grow. They are guardians of the planet and they deserve the recognition and awareness from humanity. That is something we want to make sure happens.
Lastly, we want the planet and humanity to know the existence of our beloved light workers. They are the ones who are here to help. One by one, they need to be known because they are the ones who do the hard work on behalf of humanity. They are the ones who have been being neglected the most by the society. Just because their vibrations is different. Those days are over dear light workers. The days you are being abused, neglected or discriminated against is over. You are the rulers, leaders of the planet, because that is the design, that is what you are here for. Celebrate dear ones, go celebrate of your finally made it to the top, made it to the victory.
I am Mother Mary, I love you. In the next few weeks, what I have announced here is going to be manifested in your reality. Mark my words dear ones. Time has come. We are here. Things have changed. Our time has come, go celebrate, with Mother Mary, all of you, go celebrate. I am Mother Mary, I love you. So it is.
Humanity is going to get used to the idea that Divine is in charge on the planet now and Divine is the source of information in terms of what is happening on the planet on the daily basis. We designed it this way, and we will carry it out shortly. You will see it soon.
Besides this, we also want the planet and humanity to know that Divine Mother/Father God is here. They are going to make themselves known so that the planet can be unified and can act together in the name of one. Divine designed that Washington DC is going to be the spiritual center, and Divine Mother/Father God is going to reside there, in Washington DC, the center for the planet, spiritual center, and the center for Divine presence.
Besides Divine presence, we also will introduce our star brothers and sisters to the planet and humanity. It is time. Our star brothers and sisters have been on the planet since eons ago. They have been diligently assisting our planetary affairs and helping humanity to grow. They are guardians of the planet and they deserve the recognition and awareness from humanity. That is something we want to make sure happens.
Lastly, we want the planet and humanity to know the existence of our beloved light workers. They are the ones who are here to help. One by one, they need to be known because they are the ones who do the hard work on behalf of humanity. They are the ones who have been being neglected the most by the society. Just because their vibrations is different. Those days are over dear light workers. The days you are being abused, neglected or discriminated against is over. You are the rulers, leaders of the planet, because that is the design, that is what you are here for. Celebrate dear ones, go celebrate of your finally made it to the top, made it to the victory.
I am Mother Mary, I love you. In the next few weeks, what I have announced here is going to be manifested in your reality. Mark my words dear ones. Time has come. We are here. Things have changed. Our time has come, go celebrate, with Mother Mary, all of you, go celebrate. I am Mother Mary, I love you. So it is.
Linda Li
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1 comentario:
ojala que asi sea...hace mucho que esperamos...
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