Mike Quinsey
Canalizando su Ser Superior-Puede parecer
inverosímil, pero los oscuros tenían planes de llevar a cabo un ataque de
"bandera falsa" contra la Tierra. Esperaban poder engañarte para
creer que los Galacticos eran responsables. - 20 de octubre de 2017
Mientras el tiempo continúa acelerándose, su percepción de los
acontecimientos en la Tierra le deja la impresión de que hay un estancamiento y
que las cosas están paralizadas. Sin embargo, podemos decirle que detrás de
escena, ya ha pasado mucho y asegura que la Nueva Era continúe estableciéndose
manteniendo las viejas energías a raya. Entonces, no se desespere ya que todo
está progresando bien y de acuerdo con el plan para la Humanidad. El viejo
paradigma está terminado pero aquellos que luchan para aferrarse a él y en
contra del cambio, tarde o temprano tendrán que admitir que han perdido la batalla.
No hace falta decir que estos son tiempos difíciles que tienen
un efecto adverso sobre ti, pero céntrese en las promesas para el futuro y
ayúdelos a manifestarse. Ciertamente, sus esfuerzos valdrán la pena y estará
ayudando a fortalecer su nueva línea de tiempo. Los próximos años estarán
llenos de sorpresas mientras levantas tus vibraciones y dejas atrás las viejas.
Los cambios importantes verán a los de la Luz reemplazando a los que aún se
quedan con las viejas vibraciones. En la actualidad, hay mucho en torno a la
tan esperada revalorización de las monedas, y los países que se han
comprometido a formar parte de ella están listos para participar. Tenga la
seguridad de que los retrasos aparentes no van a entorpecer el avance, y las
fuerzas invisibles están trabajando para asegurar que una vez que se da el
visto bueno no se pierde tiempo en la aceleración de las cosas.
Cuando las noticias reales son capaces de obtener cobertura, es
significativo que, a nivel mundial, haya menos entusiasmo por los actos de
guerra. Los países ahora se están moviendo hacia asentamientos pacíficos de sus
diferencias, y tienen el apoyo abrumador de la gente. Hubo un tiempo en el que
no hubieran pensado dos veces antes de lanzarse a una guerra, pero ya no. Por
supuesto, habrá enfrentamientos, pero es mucho ruido de sables, y vemos
situaciones que se calman solas. El humor de la gente tiene un mayor efecto
sobre el tema, posiblemente, se dio cuenta, y que se han cansado de
experimentar la guerra y la pérdida terrible de la vida y las dificultades
derivadas de la misma. Al final, existe la sensación de que es hora de guardar
las armas de guerra y de usar el cofre de guerra con fines pacíficos para
valorar la vida en lugar de quitársela.
Vivir en amor y paz son los deseos naturales de la Raza Humana.
Han sido adoctrinados durante cientos de años, para creer que la separación es
deseable y considerar a otras razas como una amenaza para su supervivencia. La
sangre y las lágrimas ya no son aceptables para ellos y se está desarrollando
un gran movimiento que eventualmente demandará la paz de sus líderes. Tenga la
certeza de que cuando grupos de ustedes se reúnen y tienen un solo pensamiento,
ejercen un enorme poder que ayudará a que se realicen los cambios. Así que manténganse
unidos porque hay tanto poder en los números que puede forzar un resultado
La humanidad está en el camino del éxito y no puede volver a las
viejas costumbres. Por supuesto, necesitan el apoyo y el respaldo de aquellas
personas que están listas para liderar una campaña pacífica. Así que tengan la
certeza de que tales almas están en la Tierra contigo, esperando en las "alas"
por su oportunidad de dar un paso al frente. En momentos críticos, como ahora
tienes la oportunidad de hacerlo, debes elegir cuidadosamente, pero debes saber
que las Fuerzas de Luz más altas están detrás de ellos y los ayudarán. La ayuda
siempre está cerca, pero para honrar su libre albedrío debe tenerse cuidado de
no infringirlo. Sin embargo, a veces es necesario hacerlo debido al mayor plan
para la Humanidad que tiene prioridad.
Estás en medio de tiempos difíciles pero no te desesperes ni te
rindas, no serán duraderos, y antes de que sepas dónde estás encontrarás que el
nuevo paradigma se está imponiendo. Escucharán hablar de lo que vendrá para
alzarlo, y en los próximos años las promesas hechas deberían materializarse.
Escuchan poco o nada acerca de las actividades en la Antártida, ya que se ha
puesto un bloque al publicar más información. Se siguen realizando muchos
descubrimientos y se garantiza que no se pueden detener indefinidamente. Es su
historia lo que se está descubriendo y lo aprenderá a su debido tiempo. Es a la
vez increíble y emocionante y la verdad no puede ocultarse para siempre, aunque
algunos prefieren mantenerlo en la oscuridad indefinidamente. Es tu historia y
tienes derecho a saberlo.
Escuchas poco o nada sobre las batallas que tienen lugar en tus
cielos, que involucran a los Oscuros y su conocimiento avanzado que les ha
permitido construir naves espaciales que incluso pueden abandonar el sistema
solar. Mantienen miradas indiscretas e incluso a sus amigos visitantes
confrontándolos con fuerza. Sin embargo, las Fuerzas de la Luz tienen permiso
para intervenir y lo protegerán contra cualquier intento de ataque. Eso puede parecer inverosímil, pero los oscuros tenían planes de llevar
a cabo un ataque de "bandera falsa" contra la Tierra. Esperaban poder
engañarte para creer que los Galacticos eran responsables. Puedes preguntar por
qué lo harían, y la respuesta es detener tu progreso en la Luz y aprender la
verdad acerca de ti y tu historia.
A medida que evolucione, descubrirá que es mucho más grande de
lo que podría imaginar. Tienes un largo camino por recorrer, pero tu logro
final es ser Uno con Dios. A medida que creces, tu Merkabah también crece
contigo hasta que pueda abarcar un planeta. Desde donde estás ahora suena
imposible, pero la verdad está a tu alrededor y es quizás demasiada para poder imaginarlo. Ciertamente, no es vital para su
comprensión en este momento particular de su vida, pero le dice que tiene el
potencial de un gran Ser. Incluso elevarse desde su nivel vibratorio actual es
un gran paso hacia adelante, a medida que avanza por el camino hacia niveles
que son positivos, donde no puede existir negatividad. Sus experiencias en la
Tierra lo preparan para todos los futuros y le brindan un trasfondo que es
bueno cuando ayuda a quienes siguen el mismo camino.
Sepan que cada alma tiene un plan de vida que tiene la intención
de avanzar en el camino de la evolución. Muchas almas siguen tu progreso y
dentro de ciertos límites debido a tu libre albedrío, supervisan tu progreso e
intentan influenciarte de tal manera que no te olvides de tu plan de vida y por
qué viniste a la Tierra. Por lo tanto, es prudente confiar en su intuición y el
consejo que proviene de cualquier fuente respetada. Es cierto que nada sucede
por casualidad, aunque puede no parece ser así. Toda experiencia de importancia
tiene un mensaje para ti, así que trata de entender qué es. Sin embargo, a
veces solo juegas una parte insignificante, pero es vital para el todo. Aprende
la primera vez y es poco probable que tengas que repetirlo.
Te dejo con amor y bendiciones, y que la Luz ilumine tus días y
el camino hasta la finalización. Este mensaje viene a través de mi Ser
En amor y luz.
Mike Quinsey.
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 20 October 2017
Whilst time continues to speed up, your concept of events upon
Earth leaves you with the impression that there is a stalemate and that things
are at a standstill. However, we can tell you that behind the scenes, much has
already happened and it is ensuring that the New Age continues to establish
itself whilst keeping the old energies at bay. So do not despair as all is
progressing well and in accordance with the plan for Humanity. The old paradigm
is finished but those who fight to hold onto it and against change, will sooner
or later have to admit that they have lost the fight.
It goes without saying that these are difficult times that have an adverse upon you, but focus on the promises for the future and help them manifest. Certainly your efforts will prove worthwhile and you will be helping strengthen your new timeline. The coming years will be full of surprises as you lift up your vibrations and leave the old ones behind. Important changes will see those of the Light replacing those who still hols to the old vibrations. Presently much hovers around the long awaited revaluation of the currencies, and the countries who have pledged to be a part of it are ready to participate. Be assured that the apparent delays are not going to hold up progress, and unseen forces are working to ensure that once the go-ahead is given no time is lost in speeding up things.
When the real news is able to get coverage it is significant that on a worldwide basis there is less enthusiasm for acts of war. Countries are now moving towards peaceful settlements of their differences, and it has the overwhelming support of the people. There was a time when they would not have thought twice before launching themselves into a war, but no longer. Of course there will confrontations but it is a lot of sabre rattling, and we see situations calming own. The mod of the people has a greater effect than is possibly realised, and they have become tired of experiencing war and the appalling loss of life and hardships resulting from it. At last there is a feeling that it is time to put away the weapons of war, and use the war chest for peaceful purposes to value life instead of taking it away.
Living in love and peace are the natural desires of the Human Race. They have been indoctrinated for hundreds of years, to believe that separation is to be desired and look upon other Races as a threat to their survival. The blood and tears are no longer acceptable to them and a great movement is developing that will eventually demand peace from their leaders. Be assured that when enough of you get together and are single minded, you wield enormous power that will get changes made. So stick together because there is so much power in numbers that it can force a successful outcome.
Humanity is on the road to success and there can be no going back to the old ways. Of course they need the support and backing of those people who are ready to lead a peaceful campaign. So be assured that such souls are on Earth with you, waiting in the “wings” for their opportunity to step forward. In critical times such as you are now in the opportunity to do so has to be carefully chosen, but know that higher Forces of Light are behind them and will be helping them. Help is always around but in honouring your freewill care has to be taken not to infringe it. However, it is sometimes necessary to do so because of the greater plan for Mankind that takes precedence.
You are in the middle of hard times but do not despair or give up, they will not be long lasting, and before you know where you are you will find that the new paradigm is taking hold. You will hear talk of what is coming to lift you up, and over the next few years the promises made should materialise. You hear little or nothing now of activities in the Antartica as a block has been put upon releasing further information. Many discoveries continue to be made and be assured that they cannot be held back indefinitely. It is your history that is being uncovered and you will learn about it in due course. It is both incredible and exciting and the truth cannot be concealed forever, although some would rather keep you in the dark indefinitely. It is your history and you are entitled to know of it.
You hear little or nothing about battles that take place in your skies, that involve the dark Ones and their advanced knowledge that has enabled them to build spacecraft that can even leave the solar system. They keep prying eyes away and even your friendly visitors by confronting them with force. However, the Forces of Light have permission to intervene and will protect you against any attempted attack. That may sound far- fetched but the dark Ones had plans to carry out a “false flag” attack against Earth. They had hoped to be able to fool you into believing that Aliens were responsible. You might ask why would they do it, and the answer is to hold back your progress into the Light and learn the truth about yourselves and your history.
As you evolve you will find out that you are far greater than you could imagine. You have a long way to go, but your ultimate achievement is to be One with God. As you grow your Merkabah also grows with you until it could encompass a planet. From where you are now it sounds impossible, yet the truth is all around you and is perhaps too much to envisage. It is certainly not vital to your understanding at this particular point in your life, but it tells you that you have the potential of a great Being. Even rising up from your present vibratory level is a major step forward, as you progress along the path to levels that are positive, where no negativity can exist. Your experiences upon Earth prepare you for all future ones, and give you a background that holds good when you help those who follow the same path.
Know that each soul has a life plan that is intended to advance you along the path of evolution. Many souls follow your progress and within certain limits due to your freewill, oversee your progress and try to influence you in such a way that you do not forget your life plan and why you came to Earth. It is therefore wise to trust your intuition and advice that comes from any respected source. It is true that nothing happens by chance, although it may not seem that way. Every experience of significance has a message for you, so try to understand what it is. However, sometimes you only play an insignificant part, yet it is vital to the whole. Learn the first time around and you will be unlikely to have to repeat it.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
It goes without saying that these are difficult times that have an adverse upon you, but focus on the promises for the future and help them manifest. Certainly your efforts will prove worthwhile and you will be helping strengthen your new timeline. The coming years will be full of surprises as you lift up your vibrations and leave the old ones behind. Important changes will see those of the Light replacing those who still hols to the old vibrations. Presently much hovers around the long awaited revaluation of the currencies, and the countries who have pledged to be a part of it are ready to participate. Be assured that the apparent delays are not going to hold up progress, and unseen forces are working to ensure that once the go-ahead is given no time is lost in speeding up things.
When the real news is able to get coverage it is significant that on a worldwide basis there is less enthusiasm for acts of war. Countries are now moving towards peaceful settlements of their differences, and it has the overwhelming support of the people. There was a time when they would not have thought twice before launching themselves into a war, but no longer. Of course there will confrontations but it is a lot of sabre rattling, and we see situations calming own. The mod of the people has a greater effect than is possibly realised, and they have become tired of experiencing war and the appalling loss of life and hardships resulting from it. At last there is a feeling that it is time to put away the weapons of war, and use the war chest for peaceful purposes to value life instead of taking it away.
Living in love and peace are the natural desires of the Human Race. They have been indoctrinated for hundreds of years, to believe that separation is to be desired and look upon other Races as a threat to their survival. The blood and tears are no longer acceptable to them and a great movement is developing that will eventually demand peace from their leaders. Be assured that when enough of you get together and are single minded, you wield enormous power that will get changes made. So stick together because there is so much power in numbers that it can force a successful outcome.
Humanity is on the road to success and there can be no going back to the old ways. Of course they need the support and backing of those people who are ready to lead a peaceful campaign. So be assured that such souls are on Earth with you, waiting in the “wings” for their opportunity to step forward. In critical times such as you are now in the opportunity to do so has to be carefully chosen, but know that higher Forces of Light are behind them and will be helping them. Help is always around but in honouring your freewill care has to be taken not to infringe it. However, it is sometimes necessary to do so because of the greater plan for Mankind that takes precedence.
You are in the middle of hard times but do not despair or give up, they will not be long lasting, and before you know where you are you will find that the new paradigm is taking hold. You will hear talk of what is coming to lift you up, and over the next few years the promises made should materialise. You hear little or nothing now of activities in the Antartica as a block has been put upon releasing further information. Many discoveries continue to be made and be assured that they cannot be held back indefinitely. It is your history that is being uncovered and you will learn about it in due course. It is both incredible and exciting and the truth cannot be concealed forever, although some would rather keep you in the dark indefinitely. It is your history and you are entitled to know of it.
You hear little or nothing about battles that take place in your skies, that involve the dark Ones and their advanced knowledge that has enabled them to build spacecraft that can even leave the solar system. They keep prying eyes away and even your friendly visitors by confronting them with force. However, the Forces of Light have permission to intervene and will protect you against any attempted attack. That may sound far- fetched but the dark Ones had plans to carry out a “false flag” attack against Earth. They had hoped to be able to fool you into believing that Aliens were responsible. You might ask why would they do it, and the answer is to hold back your progress into the Light and learn the truth about yourselves and your history.
As you evolve you will find out that you are far greater than you could imagine. You have a long way to go, but your ultimate achievement is to be One with God. As you grow your Merkabah also grows with you until it could encompass a planet. From where you are now it sounds impossible, yet the truth is all around you and is perhaps too much to envisage. It is certainly not vital to your understanding at this particular point in your life, but it tells you that you have the potential of a great Being. Even rising up from your present vibratory level is a major step forward, as you progress along the path to levels that are positive, where no negativity can exist. Your experiences upon Earth prepare you for all future ones, and give you a background that holds good when you help those who follow the same path.
Know that each soul has a life plan that is intended to advance you along the path of evolution. Many souls follow your progress and within certain limits due to your freewill, oversee your progress and try to influence you in such a way that you do not forget your life plan and why you came to Earth. It is therefore wise to trust your intuition and advice that comes from any respected source. It is true that nothing happens by chance, although it may not seem that way. Every experience of significance has a message for you, so try to understand what it is. However, sometimes you only play an insignificant part, yet it is vital to the whole. Learn the first time around and you will be unlikely to have to repeat it.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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