Sentir la energía y comprender una humanidad para trascenderla, ir más
allá de ella para vivir y existir en otros ámbitos dimensionales
Es importante
entender que VAS A SENTIR ENERGÍA movimiento, hormigueo y entumecimiento que
significan que una parte de tu cuerpo está "despertando". El cuerpo
también estaba dormido. Esta es la razón por la cual muchos están
experimentando cosas físicas. El cuerpo está liberando (anulando) todo lo que
se mantuvo dentro. Y después de un ciclo, vendrán más. CÓMO cada cual lo experimentamos
es diferente ya que mantenemos la luz. Nuestro cuerpo de luz funciona de manera diferente. Podemos
funcionar y saber que hay dolor, pero el dolor no nos afecta como lo hacía
antes. Es una conciencia, sin embargo no nos afecta (excepto en las grandes
actualizaciones, y también las sentimos, pero las tratamos de manera diferente.
Salimos a la naturaleza, nos bañamos o nos acostamos. El cuerpo se aclara
cuando dormimos). , se actualiza, integra la luz y se funde a una frecuencia
más alta. El grado de intensidad cambia enormemente. Podemos tener conciencia
de que es intenso, pero no ENTRA-MIEDO en nuestro momento ... Lo reconocemos y
elegimos lo que es apropiado. Estira el cuerpo, relaja el cuerpo, honra el
cuerpo, ama / mima al cuerpo, dale descanso / sueño o simplemente continúa y
deja que lo haga ...
Yo también fui
más allá de un dolor insoportable. Tenía cada "dolencia y diagnóstico"
que había. Sufrí mucho físicamente, porque era un alma humana muy fuerte y
separada. Mantuve mi energía y estuve dormida hasta mis 30 años cuando
lentamente comencé a despertar, no a la conciencia, aún a la comprensión de la
supresión dentro del cuerpo físico, la forma en que pensamos acerca de nosotros
mismos, lo que aún no entendíamos. Pasaron muchos años antes de que pasara a la
conciencia real. Mi corazón se estaba abriendo y se necesitaron muchos abusos y
tormentos extremos en mi propio mundo para sacar todo esto dentro de mí. Fue mi
propio camino elegido.
con todo extremo, llevado al "último momento aliento " de la vida
para muchas cosas, siempre "tan malo" que ya no se podía tratar con
tratamientos o medicamentos convencionales. Más de 30 píldoras al día solo para
"salir adelante y salir adelante". Fibromialgia, diabetes (que luego
se convirtió en hipoglicemia), síndrome de fatiga crónica, gota, insuficiencia
renal / edema, migrañas, presión arterial alta, insuficiencia cardíaca congestionamiento,
asma, alergias, obesidad, artritis, ansiedad, hipotiroidismo, agorafobia para
el "final" .... más cosas de las que puedo enumerar aquí y SIEMPRE al
extremo. No solo tenía algo "un poquito", los tenía todos completos
al "peor" ... nivel de apoplejía, nivel de ataque cardíaco, nivel
tóxico de todo el cuerpo, nivel de parada de órganos ... Pasé mis días en las
oficinas de especialistas y dentro y fuera del hospital escuchando las
historias, las razones y las explicaciones humanas (y la falta de ellas) ...
Siempre tuve
que "ir a las profundidades del infierno" antes de estar dispuesto a
"probar esa idea o cosa que podría ayudar, pero era demasiado terca, ya
que no coincidía con mi manera de cómo se suponía que funcionaban las cosas y
yo solo quería "lo fácil", para que el dolor se fuera ... No quería
"lidiar con eso" ... Tenía cosas que hacer, tenía que trabajar, tenía
una familia, tenía responsabilidades y cuentas ...
Entonces llego
el TIEMPO ... HORA DE DESPERTAR y cuando no estamos dispuestos a escuchar, EN
ESE MOMENTO VIENE (no hay un solo momento, hay un tropel de ellos, muchos
MOMENTOS) ... ALGO hará un impacto, algo llamará nuestra atención, algo nos
hará DESEAR ABRIR Y SER RECEPTIVO ... El aspecto humano no es receptivo al
cambio y las ideas extrañas ..... Le gustan las "cosas seguras" ...
le gusta la prueba ...
Cada momento
es una reorganización de nuestro mundo físico / cuerpo físico para MOVERNOS EN
elegirlo primero ....
Fui uno que se
mantuvo hasta el "final" ... cada vez ... HASTA QUE COMENCE A VER
epifanías, esas fantásticas realizaciones y todos esos grandes eventos que nos
hacen estar presentes con nuestros sentimientos, estar presentes en nuestra realidad
y todos esos miedos, juicios y distorsiones de cómo funcionaba el mundo ...
Finalmente comencé a escucharlos a ellos
y a verlo a través de mi propia visión interior ...
VI la mente
caótica y la velocidad a la que todos se movieron. SENTÍ la necesidad de
alejarme y estar solo y apartarme de todo el mundo ... No tenía la fuerza
suficiente para lidiar con el tirón y la energía necesitada o intrusiva de los
demás. Necesitaba estar a solas con MÍ misma, mi ser superior en mi interior.
Había venido a AMARME a TIEMPO y esto era enorme, porque antes ... había pasado
por la NOCHE OSCURA DEL ALMA y era más que intenso. Estaba actuando de la
"peor manera" y lo"peor" surgía dentro de mí y se acercaba.
Estaba reprimiendo con drogas, alcohol y usé el sexo para tratar de encontrar
el amor y resolver toda esa discordia provocada por estos rayos gamma y las
energías cósmicas.
No entendemos
que EL PROPÓSITO de LUZ es hacer que todo sea visible. Decimos "sí, más luz
!!!!", lo que significa algo que el sombrero que no estaba visible
anteriormente se acerca. NOSOTROS "pensamos" que podemos escondernos
de la luz ... no ... ¡ni siquiera cerca! Yo era uno de los HUMANOS EXTREMOS, lo
elegí todo. Así que, por supuesto, para ir en la otra dirección, fui extrema.
Amo el extremo Es la forma más rápida de contrarrestar el equilibrio y volver
al centro interior, volver al equilibrio, la paz y el amor. Me gusta rápido.
La incomodidad
es rápida. Yo lo entiendo. A ninguno de nosotros nos encanta, pero lo
conseguimos y sabemos lo importante que es. Dirigí compañías, programé
software, saqué las computadoras y las volví a armar, trabajé de la manera más
lineal que uno pudiera imaginar ... y yo era un IMPRESIONANTE SER HUMANO ...
entonces llegó el momento de expandirme y dejar que todo funcione. Pero yo era
un SUPERVIVIENTE, "LO HABÍA HECHO" ... Estaba en la cima del mundo
... ENTONCES FUE LA HORA DE DESPERTAR ... y todo el mundo comenzó a cambiar ...
se dio cuenta de que era "FÁCIL" cuando "yo" dejé de
luchar, resistí y abrí mi mente más.
Tomé clases de
energía que me desafiaron a comprender más, me conecté con otros sobre el mundo
de los espíritus, metafísica, energías y más ... y encontré aun más que tenía
sentido era en el viejo mundo en el que nunca encaje. Me destaqué en eso , pero
eso fue todo. Fue un logro, un objetivo y la vida física fue fácil. Lo tenía
todo. Excepto que estaba dormida y no entendía nada en absoluto. Lo único que
siempre tuve fue un conocimiento interno que no podía ser explicado. Era
"natural" en cosas en las que otros se esforzaban ... Sabía lo que
otros no podían ver, al instante ... las respuestas fueron fáciles ... Mi
cuerpo comenzó a despertarse DESPUÉS de una cadena continua de eventos eso
desafió mi integridad y me empujó a una esquina para hacer una elección entre
lo que estaba "dentro" y lo que estaba pasando "allá
afuera". Había renunciado a mi poder, estaba asustado y tuve que elegir
entre grandes cantidades de dinero o integridad, de pie en honor y lo que era
correcto ... y mi cuerpo estaba "luchando" y diciendo "no
más". Has comprometido tu ALMA (nosotros) demasiado tiempo. Mi cuerpo
físico estaba cerrándose, otra vez ... "una última vez" ... y supe
esto "era" ... Tuve que elegir. Tuve que hacer lo
"difícil", lo que representaba el miedo más grande en mí, más lo
desafiaba, más me asustaba y desafiaba mi capacidad de continuar
"pasando" en el mundo físico.
Siempre que me
acababa de arreglar ... Tenía que decir "NO, no más" a la figura de
autoridad, a esa persona espiritual que representaba la falta de integridad y
deshonor, era mi ser humano, todo envuelto en uno. El que me debía dinero que
necesitaba para pagar mis cuentas, desesperadamente ... Tenía que decir que no,
que ya no, alejarme del dinero y saber que estaría bien, de alguna manera ...
sin nada visible , no hay manera de saber ... nada tangible ... Tuve que elegir
y confiar en el UNIVERSO ..... Me volví enfocado en mí mismo. Aproveché cada
momento que tuve que concentrarme en mí, tomarme tiempo, dormir y hacer lo que
debía hacer por mí. Estaba peleando por MI para EMERGER y no tenía idea ...
Solo sabía que NECESITO ESTO ... Encontré grupos locales que hicieron lo que me
llamó la atención en ese momento (era un despertar "empático y
sensible", así que busqué a otros para comprenderme a mí mismo y más ...
De allí salieron tarjetas de oráculo, péndulos, sesiones grupales, "dones
psíquicos" y mucho más ... No pude obtener suficiente ... Estaba
"muriendo de hambre" por información ... Esto alimentó mi alma. Escuché
todo en línea que pude encontrar que resonó. Y cada vez que podía manejarlo
enérgicamente, abrí mis puertas, tenía grupos y comencé a enseñar, a compartir,
a ayudar a otros a comprenderse a sí mismos.
También ayudé
con los claros de todo tipo ... y la "curación" del aspecto humano
con el alma superior. Incluso a través de mis "peores momentos"
enseñé y ayudé a otros, porque esto me ayudaba a comprender y producir con mi
propia alma. RECORDANDO desde dentro. Tenía que aceptar todo lo que había
"hecho" y dejarlo ir todo y el juicio sobre todo. Para pasar de
"por qué todas esas cosas horribles me pasaron a entendimientos
completamente diferentes que ME LIBERARON". Realmente tenía que querer ser
libre ... Empecé a canalizar después de un intenso despertar Kundalini y la
cantidad de luz que se activaba era ENORME. Al mismo tiempo, estaba lidiando
con mis cosas ... algunas abiertamente, otras en mi espacio privado ... en mi
nivel de comodidad hasta que pude abrirme por completo y dejar de juzgarme a mí
mismo y llegar a comprender cuán importantes son nuestras experiencias para
ayudar y guiar otros ...
dejé de ser un Empatota, un Sensible, un Psíquico / Medio y me trasladé a la
súper consciencia. Esto significaba quitar esos nuevos "títulos e
identidades también" y la necesidad de limitarse a esas cosas también.
Regalos que salen de cada orphus, estaba haciendo esta energía increíble y pude
ver profundamente en el alma de uno. Podía escuchar / ver / sentir / leer la
energía, la frecuencia, escuchar las sutilezas y los anchos de banda presentes
... y podía utilizar esto para ayudar a otros en lo que ellos no podían oír /
ver / sentir / entender todavía. Entendí que todo de esos traumas, horrible las
cosas, todas esas realidades discordantes extremas fueron un REGALO y me dieron
la capacidad de ayudar / guiar más ... Para cuando lo hemos experimentado, lo
entendemos y no podemos tener juicio. SOMOS compasión (no lástima o falta),
porque hemos estado allí ... No estamos aquí diciendo: "He estado haciendo
esto durante 30 años ..." (que es la separación / competencia /
comparación / importancia del ego) / medición a través del tiempo) ... Estamos
diciendo "Entiendo, lo hice ..." y ayudamos a otros a VER EL
PROPÓSITO en todos, los regalos en total y el aprecio para todos. El humano
estará en juicio ... lo apreciamos, tenemos gratitud por él y lo entendemos
para el propósito al que sirvió.
Cuanto más
enredados estábamos, mejor, porque más podemos ayudar / guiar / ayudar a otro a
dejar de lado el juicio y la comprensión también. EL ENTENDIMIENTO ES LA CLAVE
... La experiencia y el conocimiento son las activaciones. Perspectivas en
expansión y percepciones desafiantes son necesarias para ser GRATUITO ... La
mente humana cerrada y cerrada debe estar abierta. O lo hacemos nosotros mismos
"más fácil" o llamamos / esperamos que ocurra algo para abrir nuestra
mente para nosotros. Las profundidades del infierno, el fondo y los puntos de
quiebre es donde el aspecto humano tiene que ir para el asimiento que el
cerebro, el aspecto humano tiene que ser lanzado. Hay FÁCILES MANERAS de eludir
la necesidad de ser roto, despojado de todo, "pérdida" ... todas las
palabras usadas por nuestro aspecto humano ... Aquí todo eso significa que el
alma está emergiendo, la luz está activando / expandiéndose y la resistencia a
encontrar a la humanidad dentro y entrar en ALINEACIÓN están ocurriendo. Ahora,
la persona de corazón abierto tiene una mente abierta. Está escuchando y tiene
una opción. El ser de mente cerrada ha cerrado sus corazones y está viviendo de
acuerdo con las mentalidades fijas de los viejos programas ...
es CLAVE ... sin embargo, hace falta que el corazón se abra y realmente DESEE
escuchar y saber más para que esto ocurra. Estas frecuencias de luz más altas
están abriendo corazones y mentes ... y el cuerpo está ejecutando energía a
través de ella, ya sea que usted esté consciente de esto o no. Cuanto más
movimiento, más energía, más vivo ... Hay muchas formas en que puede moverse y
activar ENERGÍA LIGERA dentro de usted para ayudar en este proceso. No temas el
movimiento ni juzgues el dolor. No "pienses" que has hecho algo malo
o eres menos que nada. No "creas" que pasarán cosas malas. CONOZCA
DENTRO Y ESCUCHA eso ..... NUEVA Tierra está a tu alrededor. Está en la
belleza, la presencia, los colores vibrantes, la naturaleza y el cielo. Es
visible cuando tu corazón, mente, ojos y energía están abiertos y fluyen,
cuando estás presente, prestando atención y buscándolo ...
Es una
vibración al principio a la que debes acceder dentro de ti y mientras sostienes
esta vibración se vuelve más visible. Son las hermosas conversaciones abiertas con / entre otros. Es la belleza del
sonido y la canción, y puedes SENTIR el borroso en tu corazón y energía cuando
estás activando la frecuencia de NEW Earth. Eso es energía ... tú SIENTES. Este
es un proceso, una evolución ... eres tú / todos RECORDANDO nuevamente. Como
uno RECUERDA, se vuelven conscientes, ven más, entienden más, oyen más desde
adentro. Borrar las viejas realidades es una parte del proceso, a diario ... la
facilidad con la que se hace esto está determinada por lo abierto o cerrado que
uno esté, cuán comprometido esté uno, cuánto estemos dispuestos a HACER ...
Estar EN - El servicio también evoluciona. NOSOTROS venimos primero ... el
resto nos llega a medida que sostenemos la luz y volvemos a ser amor. NOSOTROS
utilizamos todo aquí. NO desperdiciamos nada ... energía, tiempo, dinero,
pensamientos, sentimientos ... todo es SAGRADO y HONRADO y UTILIZADO como luz
aquí. ♥ ♥ ♥
It's important
to understand that you WANT to FEEL ENERGY moving, tingling and numbness that
mean that a part of your body is "waking up". The body was asleep
too. This is why so many are experiencing physical things. The body is
releasing (unanchoring) all that was held within. And after a bunch goes, more
will come. HOW we experience is different as we hold light. Our LightBody
operates differently. We can function and know there is pain, yet pain doesn't
affect us as it once did. It's an awareness, yet we are not affected by it
(except in the huge upgrades, and we feel these too, yet deal with them
differently. WE get out in nature, take a bath or go to bed. The body clears
when we sleep, it upgrades, integrates light and merges at a higher frequency.
The degree of intensity changes vastly. We can have an awareness that it is
intense, but it doesn't ENTER-FEAR with our moment... We acknowledge it and we
choose what is appropriate. Stretch the body, relax the body, honor the body,
love/pamper the body, give it rest/sleep or just keep going and let it do it's
I too went through beyond excruciating pain. I had every "ailment and diagnosis" there was. I suffered physically huge, because I was a very strong and separated human soul. I held alot within my energy and I was asleep until my mid 30's when I slowly started to awaken, not to consciousness, yet to the understandings of suppression within the physical body, the way we thought about ourselves, that which we did not yet understand. It was many years before I moved into actual consciousness. My heart was opening and it took much extreme abuse and torment in my own world to bring this all out within me. It was my own chosen path.
I "suffered" with extreme everything, taken to to the "last moment" of breath-life for many things, always "so bad" that it couldn't be treated anymore with conventional treatments or medications. 30+ pills a day just to "get by and make it through". Fibromyalgia, diabetes (that turned to hypoglycemia later), chronic fatigue syndrome, gout, renal failure/edema, migraines, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, asthma, allergies, obesity, arthritis, anxiety, hypothyroidism, agoraphobia by the "end".... more things than I can list here and ALWAYS to the extreme. I didn't just have anything a "little bit", I had them all full-blown to the "worst"... stroke level, heart attack level, whole body toxic level, organ shut-down level.... I spent my days in specialist's offices and in & out of the hospital listening to the stories, reasons and human explanations (and lack of them)....
I always had to "go to the depths of hell" before I was willing to "try that idea or thing that could help, but I was too stubborn, as it didn't match my way of how things were supposed to work and I just wanted "easy", for the pain to go away.... I didn't want to "deal with it"... I had things to DO, I had to work, I had a family, I had responsibilities and bills....
Then it was TIME.... TIME TO WAKE UP and when we are not willing to listen, AS THAT TIME COMES (there is no one moment, there are a gazillion of them, many ONE MOMENTS)... SOMETHING will make an impact, something will get our attention, something will cause us to DESIRE TO OPEN UP and BE RECEPTIVE.... The human aspect is not receptive to change and weird ideas..... It likes "sure things"... It likes proof ....
Every moment is a re-arrangement of our physical world/physical body to MOVE US IN THE DIRECTION OF HIGHER LIGHT EXISTENCE.... We are given the opportUNITY to chose it first....
I was one that held on until the "end".... every time... UNTIL I STARTED TO SEE.....
Those epiphanies, those cool realizations and all of those huge events that cause us to get present with our feelings, get present in our reality and all of those fears, judgments and distortions of how the world worked.... I finally started to hear them and see them through my own inner vision....
I SAW the chaotic mind and the speed at which all moved. I FELT the need to pull away and be by myself and shut the whole world out... I didn't have enough strength to deal with the pulling and needy or intrusive energy of others. I needed to be alone with ME, my higher self aspect inside. I had come to LOVE ME TIME and this was huge, for before... I'd gone through the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL and it was beyond intense. I was acting out in the "worse ways" and the "worst stuff" was surfacing within me and coming up. I was suppressing with drugs, alcohol and I used sex to try to find love and work out all of that discord that was triggered by these gamma rays and cosmic energies.
We do not understand that THE PURPOSE of LIGHT is to make all visible. We say "yeah, more light!!!!", which means something that wasn't previously visible is coming up. WE "think" we can hide from the light.... nope... not even close!
I was one of the EXTREME HUMANS, I chose it all. So of course to go the other direction, I went extreme. I love extreme. It's the fastest way to counter-balance and come back to center inside, come back to balance, peace and love. I like fast. Discomfort is fast. I understand it. None of us love it, but we do get it and we know how important it is.
I ran companies, programmed software, took computers apart and put them back together, worked in the most linear fashions one could imagine... and I was AWESOME at BEING HUMAN... then it was time to expand and let it all go.
But I was a SURVIVOR, I "HAD MADE IT"... I was at the top of the world ... THEN IT WAS REALLY TIME TO WAKE UP.... and the whole world started to change....
I realized it was "EASY" when "I" stopped fighting, resisting and opened my mind up to more. I took energy classes that challenged me to understand more, I connected with others about the spirit world, metaphysics, energies and more... and I found more that made sense there than the old world where I never fit in. I excelled at it, but that was all. It was an accomplishment, a goal and physical life was easy. I had it all. Except I was asleep and understood nothing at all. The one thing I did always have was an inner knowing that could not be explained. I was a "natural" at things that others tried hard at..... I knew what others couldn't see, instantly.... answers came easy...
My body started to wake up AFTER a continual string of events that challenged my integrity and pushed me into a corner to make a choice between what was "right inside" and what was going on "out there". I had given my power away, was scared and had to choose between large amounts of money or integrity, standing in honor and what was right... and my body was "fighting back" and saying "no more". You've compromised your SOUL (us) too long. My physical body was shutting down, again... "one last time"...and I knew this "was it"....
I had to choose. I had to do the "hard thing", the thing that represented the biggest fear in me, challenged me the most, scared me the most and challenged my ability to continue to "get by" in the physical world. I was always just getting by....
I had to say "NO, not anymore" to the authority figure, that spiritual person that represented the mos lack of integrity and dishonor, that was my all humans all wrapped up in one. The one that owed me money that I needed to pay my bills, desperately... I had to say no, not anymore and walk away from the money and know that I'd be okay, somehow.... With nothing visible coming, no way to know... nothing tangible... I had to choose and trust the UNIVERSE.....
I turned my focus on myself. I took advantage of every moment that I had to focus on me, take time for me, sleep and do what I needed to do for me. I was fighting for ME to EMERGE and I had no idea... I just knew I NEEDED THIS....
I found local groups that did what resonated with me at that time (I was an awakening "empath and sensitive" so I sought out others to understand myself and more.... From there came oracle cards, pendulums, group sessions, "psychic gifts" and so much more.... I could not get enough... I was "starving" for information... This fed my soul. I listened to everything online I could find that resonated.
And every time I could handle it energetically, I opened my doors up, I had groups over and I started teaching, sharing, assisting others in understanding themselves too. I helped with clearings of every kind... and "healing" of the human aspect with the higher self soul. Even through my "worst moments" I taught and helped others, for this was helping me understand and bring forth my own REMEMBERING from within.
I had to come to accept all that I had "done" and let it all go and the judgement around it all. I had to move from "why all of that horrible stuff happened TO ME to completely different understandings that FREED ME. I had to really want to be free...
I started channeling after an intense Kundalini awakening and the amount of light that was activating was HUGE. Simultaneously, I was dealing with my stuff.... some openly, some in my private space... at my comfort level until I could totally open up and stop judging myself and come to understand how important our experiences are in assisting and guiding others....
Eventually, I moved on from being an Empath, a Sensitive, a Psychic/Medium and I moved into super consciousness. This meant shedding those new "titles and identities too" and the need to be limited to those things too. Gifts coming out of every orphus, I was doing this amazing energy and I could see deep into one's soul. I could hear/see/feel/read the energy, frequency, hear the subtleties and bandwidths present.... and I could utilize this to assist others in what they could not hear/see/feel/understand yet.
I understood that all of those traumas, horrible things, all of those extreme discordant realities were a GIFT and gave me the ability to assist/guide more.... For when we've experienced it, we understand it and we can't have judgement. WE have compassion (not pity or lack), because we've been there...
We are not standing here saying "I've been doing this for 30 years... " (which is ego's separation/competition/comparison/importance/measuring through time)... We are saying "I understand, I did it.... " and we help others see THE PURPOSE in all, the gifts in all and the appreciation for all.
The human will stand in judgment... we appreciate it, have gratitude for it and understand it for the purpose it served. The more messed up we were, the better, for the more we can help/guide/assist another in letting go of judgement and understanding too.
UNDERSTANDING IS THE KEY.... Experience and Knowledge are the activations. Expanding Perspectives and challenging perceptions are necessary to be FREE...
The closed-fixed-human mind must be opened. We either do it ourselves "easier" or we call forth/wait for something to occur to open our mind for us. The depths of hell, the bottom and breaking points is where the human aspect has to go for the hold that the brain, human aspect has to be released. There are EASY WAYS to bypass the need to be broken, stripped of all, "loss".... all words used by our human aspect.... Here all of that means that the soul is emerging, the light is activating/expanding and the resistance to finding humanity inside and stepping INTO ALIGNMENT are occurring.
Now, the open hearted person has an open mind. It's listening and has a choice. The closed minded being has closed their heart down and is living according to fixed mentalities of old programs...
UNDERSTANDING is KEY.... yet it takes the heart being opening and actually DESIRING to listen and know more for this to occur.
These higher light frequencies are opening hearts and minds... and the body is running energy through it, whether you are aware of this or not. The more movement, the more energy, the more alive.... There are many ways you can move and activate LIGHT ENERGY within you to assist with this process. Do not fear movement or judge pain. Do not "think" you have done anything wrong or are less than anything. Do not "believe" bad things will happen. KNOW INSIDE and LISTEN to that.....
NEW Earth is all around you. It's in the beauty, the presence, the vibrant colors, nature and the sky. It's visible when your heart, mind, eyes and energy are open and flowing, when you are present, paying attention and looking for it.... It's a vibration at first that you must access within yourself and as you hold this vibration it becomes more visible. It's the beautiful open conversations with/among others. It's the beauty of sound and song and you can FEEL the fuzzy in your heart and energy when you are activating the frequency of NEW Earth. That is energy... you FEEL it.
This is a process, an evolution... it's you/all REMEMBERING again. As one REMEMBERS, they become aware, see more, understand more, hear more from within.
Clearing the old realities out is a part of the process, daily... the ease at which this is done is determined by how open or closed one is, how committed one is, how much we are willing to DO...
Being IN-Service evolves too. WE come first... the rest comes to us as we hold light and become love again. WE utilize everything here. WE do not waste anything.... energy, time, money, thoughts, feelings.... everything is SACRED and HONORED and UTILIZED as light here. ♥ ♥ ♥
I too went through beyond excruciating pain. I had every "ailment and diagnosis" there was. I suffered physically huge, because I was a very strong and separated human soul. I held alot within my energy and I was asleep until my mid 30's when I slowly started to awaken, not to consciousness, yet to the understandings of suppression within the physical body, the way we thought about ourselves, that which we did not yet understand. It was many years before I moved into actual consciousness. My heart was opening and it took much extreme abuse and torment in my own world to bring this all out within me. It was my own chosen path.
I "suffered" with extreme everything, taken to to the "last moment" of breath-life for many things, always "so bad" that it couldn't be treated anymore with conventional treatments or medications. 30+ pills a day just to "get by and make it through". Fibromyalgia, diabetes (that turned to hypoglycemia later), chronic fatigue syndrome, gout, renal failure/edema, migraines, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, asthma, allergies, obesity, arthritis, anxiety, hypothyroidism, agoraphobia by the "end".... more things than I can list here and ALWAYS to the extreme. I didn't just have anything a "little bit", I had them all full-blown to the "worst"... stroke level, heart attack level, whole body toxic level, organ shut-down level.... I spent my days in specialist's offices and in & out of the hospital listening to the stories, reasons and human explanations (and lack of them)....
I always had to "go to the depths of hell" before I was willing to "try that idea or thing that could help, but I was too stubborn, as it didn't match my way of how things were supposed to work and I just wanted "easy", for the pain to go away.... I didn't want to "deal with it"... I had things to DO, I had to work, I had a family, I had responsibilities and bills....
Then it was TIME.... TIME TO WAKE UP and when we are not willing to listen, AS THAT TIME COMES (there is no one moment, there are a gazillion of them, many ONE MOMENTS)... SOMETHING will make an impact, something will get our attention, something will cause us to DESIRE TO OPEN UP and BE RECEPTIVE.... The human aspect is not receptive to change and weird ideas..... It likes "sure things"... It likes proof ....
Every moment is a re-arrangement of our physical world/physical body to MOVE US IN THE DIRECTION OF HIGHER LIGHT EXISTENCE.... We are given the opportUNITY to chose it first....
I was one that held on until the "end".... every time... UNTIL I STARTED TO SEE.....
Those epiphanies, those cool realizations and all of those huge events that cause us to get present with our feelings, get present in our reality and all of those fears, judgments and distortions of how the world worked.... I finally started to hear them and see them through my own inner vision....
I SAW the chaotic mind and the speed at which all moved. I FELT the need to pull away and be by myself and shut the whole world out... I didn't have enough strength to deal with the pulling and needy or intrusive energy of others. I needed to be alone with ME, my higher self aspect inside. I had come to LOVE ME TIME and this was huge, for before... I'd gone through the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL and it was beyond intense. I was acting out in the "worse ways" and the "worst stuff" was surfacing within me and coming up. I was suppressing with drugs, alcohol and I used sex to try to find love and work out all of that discord that was triggered by these gamma rays and cosmic energies.
We do not understand that THE PURPOSE of LIGHT is to make all visible. We say "yeah, more light!!!!", which means something that wasn't previously visible is coming up. WE "think" we can hide from the light.... nope... not even close!
I was one of the EXTREME HUMANS, I chose it all. So of course to go the other direction, I went extreme. I love extreme. It's the fastest way to counter-balance and come back to center inside, come back to balance, peace and love. I like fast. Discomfort is fast. I understand it. None of us love it, but we do get it and we know how important it is.
I ran companies, programmed software, took computers apart and put them back together, worked in the most linear fashions one could imagine... and I was AWESOME at BEING HUMAN... then it was time to expand and let it all go.
But I was a SURVIVOR, I "HAD MADE IT"... I was at the top of the world ... THEN IT WAS REALLY TIME TO WAKE UP.... and the whole world started to change....
I realized it was "EASY" when "I" stopped fighting, resisting and opened my mind up to more. I took energy classes that challenged me to understand more, I connected with others about the spirit world, metaphysics, energies and more... and I found more that made sense there than the old world where I never fit in. I excelled at it, but that was all. It was an accomplishment, a goal and physical life was easy. I had it all. Except I was asleep and understood nothing at all. The one thing I did always have was an inner knowing that could not be explained. I was a "natural" at things that others tried hard at..... I knew what others couldn't see, instantly.... answers came easy...
My body started to wake up AFTER a continual string of events that challenged my integrity and pushed me into a corner to make a choice between what was "right inside" and what was going on "out there". I had given my power away, was scared and had to choose between large amounts of money or integrity, standing in honor and what was right... and my body was "fighting back" and saying "no more". You've compromised your SOUL (us) too long. My physical body was shutting down, again... "one last time"...and I knew this "was it"....
I had to choose. I had to do the "hard thing", the thing that represented the biggest fear in me, challenged me the most, scared me the most and challenged my ability to continue to "get by" in the physical world. I was always just getting by....
I had to say "NO, not anymore" to the authority figure, that spiritual person that represented the mos lack of integrity and dishonor, that was my all humans all wrapped up in one. The one that owed me money that I needed to pay my bills, desperately... I had to say no, not anymore and walk away from the money and know that I'd be okay, somehow.... With nothing visible coming, no way to know... nothing tangible... I had to choose and trust the UNIVERSE.....
I turned my focus on myself. I took advantage of every moment that I had to focus on me, take time for me, sleep and do what I needed to do for me. I was fighting for ME to EMERGE and I had no idea... I just knew I NEEDED THIS....
I found local groups that did what resonated with me at that time (I was an awakening "empath and sensitive" so I sought out others to understand myself and more.... From there came oracle cards, pendulums, group sessions, "psychic gifts" and so much more.... I could not get enough... I was "starving" for information... This fed my soul. I listened to everything online I could find that resonated.
And every time I could handle it energetically, I opened my doors up, I had groups over and I started teaching, sharing, assisting others in understanding themselves too. I helped with clearings of every kind... and "healing" of the human aspect with the higher self soul. Even through my "worst moments" I taught and helped others, for this was helping me understand and bring forth my own REMEMBERING from within.
I had to come to accept all that I had "done" and let it all go and the judgement around it all. I had to move from "why all of that horrible stuff happened TO ME to completely different understandings that FREED ME. I had to really want to be free...
I started channeling after an intense Kundalini awakening and the amount of light that was activating was HUGE. Simultaneously, I was dealing with my stuff.... some openly, some in my private space... at my comfort level until I could totally open up and stop judging myself and come to understand how important our experiences are in assisting and guiding others....
Eventually, I moved on from being an Empath, a Sensitive, a Psychic/Medium and I moved into super consciousness. This meant shedding those new "titles and identities too" and the need to be limited to those things too. Gifts coming out of every orphus, I was doing this amazing energy and I could see deep into one's soul. I could hear/see/feel/read the energy, frequency, hear the subtleties and bandwidths present.... and I could utilize this to assist others in what they could not hear/see/feel/understand yet.
I understood that all of those traumas, horrible things, all of those extreme discordant realities were a GIFT and gave me the ability to assist/guide more.... For when we've experienced it, we understand it and we can't have judgement. WE have compassion (not pity or lack), because we've been there...
We are not standing here saying "I've been doing this for 30 years... " (which is ego's separation/competition/comparison/importance/measuring through time)... We are saying "I understand, I did it.... " and we help others see THE PURPOSE in all, the gifts in all and the appreciation for all.
The human will stand in judgment... we appreciate it, have gratitude for it and understand it for the purpose it served. The more messed up we were, the better, for the more we can help/guide/assist another in letting go of judgement and understanding too.
UNDERSTANDING IS THE KEY.... Experience and Knowledge are the activations. Expanding Perspectives and challenging perceptions are necessary to be FREE...
The closed-fixed-human mind must be opened. We either do it ourselves "easier" or we call forth/wait for something to occur to open our mind for us. The depths of hell, the bottom and breaking points is where the human aspect has to go for the hold that the brain, human aspect has to be released. There are EASY WAYS to bypass the need to be broken, stripped of all, "loss".... all words used by our human aspect.... Here all of that means that the soul is emerging, the light is activating/expanding and the resistance to finding humanity inside and stepping INTO ALIGNMENT are occurring.
Now, the open hearted person has an open mind. It's listening and has a choice. The closed minded being has closed their heart down and is living according to fixed mentalities of old programs...
UNDERSTANDING is KEY.... yet it takes the heart being opening and actually DESIRING to listen and know more for this to occur.
These higher light frequencies are opening hearts and minds... and the body is running energy through it, whether you are aware of this or not. The more movement, the more energy, the more alive.... There are many ways you can move and activate LIGHT ENERGY within you to assist with this process. Do not fear movement or judge pain. Do not "think" you have done anything wrong or are less than anything. Do not "believe" bad things will happen. KNOW INSIDE and LISTEN to that.....
NEW Earth is all around you. It's in the beauty, the presence, the vibrant colors, nature and the sky. It's visible when your heart, mind, eyes and energy are open and flowing, when you are present, paying attention and looking for it.... It's a vibration at first that you must access within yourself and as you hold this vibration it becomes more visible. It's the beautiful open conversations with/among others. It's the beauty of sound and song and you can FEEL the fuzzy in your heart and energy when you are activating the frequency of NEW Earth. That is energy... you FEEL it.
This is a process, an evolution... it's you/all REMEMBERING again. As one REMEMBERS, they become aware, see more, understand more, hear more from within.
Clearing the old realities out is a part of the process, daily... the ease at which this is done is determined by how open or closed one is, how committed one is, how much we are willing to DO...
Being IN-Service evolves too. WE come first... the rest comes to us as we hold light and become love again. WE utilize everything here. WE do not waste anything.... energy, time, money, thoughts, feelings.... everything is SACRED and HONORED and UTILIZED as light here. ♥ ♥ ♥
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