Kathryn E. May*St. Germain:
Hay suficiente riqueza para dar a cada hombre, mujer y niño en el planeta
100 millones de dólares o más. 7 de febrero de 2016)
Traducción Google… Contiene el original en Inglés
Marcando el comienzo de la nueva edad de oro: Anuncios y Perspectivas para
el libre despliegue de la Tierra y la Prosperidad
Presentaciones elegidas por el Arcángel Miguel en los siguientes temas: RV
/ GCR, NESARA, GESARA, nuevas gobernaciones, los anuncios, energía libre,
curación, las nuevas Technologias, de
divulgación, aterrizajes masivos, Crystal Chambers y Más!
"Uno de 12 Bunker" Activos
La riqueza inconmensurable es suya
St. Germain:
Constantemente me piden que de pruebas por nuestros amigos de las cosas que
nos referimos, como el movimiento "entre bastidores" hacia la
liberación de todos los programas que se han comentado. No hemos podido dar
detalles en el pasado porque había muchos elementos de la liberación que aún se
encontraban en negociaciones secretas, y muchos de nuestros soldados sobre el
terreno se habrían puesto en peligro si hubiéramos dado información acerca de
ellos. Estoy seguro de que entienden lo delicado que estos procesos han sido. Ahora es posible para
nosotros discutir algunos de los proyectos más interesantes porque todo se
completa, lista para la campana final .

Uno de los "secretos" se refiere a las grandes cantidades de
riqueza que se incluyen en los fondos de prosperidad. He descrito algunos de
los enormes depósitos de oro, piedras preciosas y otros objetos de valor en mis
libros de la década de 1930, especialmente en el primer volumen llamado
"misterios sin revelar" por Godfre Ray King. En ese momento,
nosotros, los de la Compañía del Cielo pensamos en él como una revelación
maravillosa que ayudaría a estimular la Ascensión del Planeta Tierra, pero la
Segunda Guerra Mundial intervino, y con ella el aumento de poder de la cábala.
Los libros sirven como una introducción a un pequeño grupo de trabajadores de
la luz, pero al igual que muchos de nuestros proyectos, la información fue
enterrada, y la empuñadura Cabal, controlando en la Tierra ... hasta ahora.
La prueba de la riqueza. St. Germain
Por fin puedo mostrar a todos cuán real son, copia de seguridad con las
fotos y las cuentas de las personas que han estado trabajando conmigo desde
hace décadas en primera persona. A continuación encontrará extractos de un
extenso artículo de Rob Potter con imágenes de sólo algunos ejemplos de los
tesoros enterrados que se ha celebrado en custodia para este tiempo monumental.
Hemos tenido que asegurarnos, que sería seguro para liberar los fondos, y el transporte final antes de producirse la revelación.
Algunos de estos depósitos de oro, plata y bonos especiales han sido robados y recuperados varias veces,
ya que competían para preservar su primogenitura por todo el tiempo, y no ser compartida para todos. La mayoría ha sido vigilada con
diligencia y gran lealtad por familias poderosas a través de Asia y Europa.
Algunos han encontrado su camino hacia los EE.UU., en preparación para su
lanzamiento. Se puede imaginar la dificultad de transportar en secreto millones
de toneladas de lingotes de oro, por ejemplo, pero se ha hecho.
Muchas personas negativas, especialmente los formados en los sistemas
financieros Cabal, han insistido en que la revaluación de las monedas tiene que
ser una estafa, ya que nunca ha sucedido antes, y no podría haber suficiente
dinero en el mundo para financiar el flujo de dinero que tenemos descrito. Nos
solidarizamos con sus dudas, pero son simplemente erróneas. Hay suficiente
riqueza para dar a cada hombre, mujer y niño en el planeta 100 millones de
dólares o más. Todo lo que se requería era el momento adecuado y la vibración
más elevada , que permitirá a la compasión, la bondad y gran Amor que gobiernen
el comportamiento de todos en el poder, hasta la última familia, ciudad y
pueblo. Ese momento ha llegado, por fin, mis queridos hermanos y hermanas.
Las siguientes fotografías son reales, una pequeña muestra de la gran
riqueza que ya hemos comenzado a difundir. Sí, todas las monedas son ahora y
permanecerán oro y respaldado por activos. Desde nuestras tiendas ilimitadas
dentro de las montañas, por debajo de las islas, bajo el mar y en las cuevas
ocultas a distancia, hemos proporcionado el oro a todos los países del mundo
para que esto sea posible. Cada país será económicamente estable, seguro en su
prosperidad, y dada la oportunidad de dejar atrás la deuda creada
artificialmente que ha esclavizado a todos.
Quizás algunos de ustedes están familiarizados con mi antiguo castillo en
Transilvania. Era un escondite conveniente para las montañas de la riqueza con un
laberinto de pasadizos subterráneos sin asignar y habitaciones ocultas. Les
puedo decir esto ahora porque los tesoros han sido trasladados con seguridad en
los últimos meses. El castillo en sí se mantuvo bajo un velo de misterio por
las historias de Drácula - una cortina de humo conveniente y divertida para la
luz oculta allí.
Como he ofrecido durante mi sorpresiva visita a nuestro programa de radio
BlogTalk ayer, (LINK) estaré feliz de tomar a todos y cada una de ustedes en un
tour personal de nuestras grandes montañas de piedras preciosas, oro e
instrumentos financieros especiales, valorada de forma conservadora en los
números seguido por más de 50 ceros. Sólo tiene que llamar
por mi nombre, y yo le tome en su meditación para presenciar los grandes
almacenes allí mismo. Ver por qué la
liberación de tanta riqueza ¿verdad? Quien tendrá un dólar de papel, o una
moneda de oro, cuando la abundancia está en todas partes, al alcance de todos,
donde nadie tenga una deuda o una factura a pagar, porque todos los servicios
imaginables han sido pagados, y donde todos los seres en la Tierra son libres para perseguir su sueños llenos de luz?
Los dominós comienzan
a caer
Debido a que los nuevos sistemas bancarios transparentes están en su lugar,
el soborno y la corrupción serán imposibles de ocultar. Ya se está
proporcionando la exposición instantánea y detención de los que han tratado de
defraudar a nuestros sistemas a prueba de fallos. Este es ahora completamente operativo,
y esto sólo una pequeña parte de los programas globales que se levantan en toda la Tierra, proporcionando agua potable,
mucha comida limpia, y las nuevas tecnologías médicas y energía. Se decidió
hace mucho tiempo que la forma más eficaz para liberar a la humanidad de la
esclavitud sería comenzar con la seguridad económica para todos. Nuestros
éxitos en el ámbito financiero están allanando el camino para un despliegue más
rápido de las tecnologías que harán que la enfermedad, la guerra y las toxinas
de todo tipo sean cosa del pasado. Los Aterrizajes le seguirán.
La gestión monumentalmente compleja e intrincada de estos cambios ha sido
durante mucho tiempo la ocupación , por
toda la Tierra. Los últimos 70 años han
sido lo que podríamos llamar una final "de prensa en toda la cancha"
por parte de ambos socios cielo y la
tierra. Según los estándares cósmicos, esto es insólito - un cambio de
proporciones monumentales realizadas en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. No hicimos
esto para ustedes, Amada humanidad, son Ustedes y aquellos, entre ustedes, que
están en este momento, que vibran, en alta vibración de Amor y de Luz, que está
levantando todo, en el flujo de las energías proporcionada por la madre y el
padre Dios - las energías de el Gran Sol central, nuestra fuente de toda bondad
y luz.
Trabajadores de la luz , encima y por debajo Claro, Energías .
Hoy en día, inmensas energías chocan en la tierra del planeta, las viejas energías
oscuras son liberadas. Equipos transmutan, humanos procesan literalmente las
energías inferiores a través de sus cuerpos para ser enviadas a la luz. Es una tarea ardua, asumida por todos los Maestros encarnados ahora. Ya
sea humano, animal o elemental, toda la conciencia se centra en el enorme
reto de despejar miles de años de energías en capas, tóxicos. Al observar con
gran ternura y amor, que están logrando lo que sólo la colección más valiente
de almas determinados posiblemente podría lograr: la co-creación de la Nueva
Tierra, hecho literalmente con el sudor de su frente y el amor de sus corazones, indomables . Eres
No dejen que ni por un momento se permitan dudar o sentir la impaciencia.
Todo se está desplegando en perfecta
armonía, como la más exquisita sinfonía jamás realizada por cualquier terrenal
o coro angelical, y a vosotros, amados hermanos y hermanas, estamos aquí para
dar testimonio y para participar en este crescendo de triunfo. Las notas que
frecuentan del primer movimiento ya están empezando. ¡Escucha!
Formidable esfuerzo de hoy - el máximo servicio y la participación de todos
- será recordado como el punto de inflexión, el momento en que presentaron la
obra y el primer vistazo del sueño imposible, aparecieron a la vista de la
primera ola de la Luz cuyos corazones están abiertos y por alegría al unísono .
Nos unimos a ustedes en esa celebración alegre, Queridos.
Me quedo siempre a su lado, en el servicio dedicado a la madre y el padre y
la Compañía del Cielo.
Soy tu hermano, St. Germain.
(Transcripción de la doctora Kathryn E. May 7 de febrero de 2016)
Ushering in The New Golden Age: Announcements
and Insights on Earth's Unfolding Freedom and Prosperity
Submissions chosen by Archangel Michael on the
following topics: RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, New Governances, The Announcements,
Free Energy, New Healing Technologies, Disclosure, Mass Landings, Crystal
Chambers and More!
"One of 12 Bunker Assets"
Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
St. Germain:
I am constantly being asked by our friends on
the ground to give proof of the things we refer to as "behind the
scenes" movement toward the release of all the programs we have told you
about. We could not give details in the past because there were many elements
of the release that were still in secret negotiations, and many of our boots
on the ground would have been placed in danger if we had given information
about them. I'm sure you understand how delicate these processes have
been. It is now possible for us to discuss some of the most exciting
projects because all is completed, ready for the final bell to sound.
One of the "secrets" concerns the
vast amounts of wealth that are included in the Prosperity Funds. I
described some of the enormous storehouses of gold, precious stones and other
valuables in my books from the 1930's, especially in the first volume called
"Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfré Ray King. At the time, we of
the Company of Heaven thought of it as a wonderful revelation that would help
spur the Ascension of Planet Earth, but World War II intervened, and with it
the rise in power of the cabal. The books served as an introduction to
a small group of Lightworkers, but like many of our Heaven-sponsored
projects, the information was buried, and the cabal-controlled grip on Earth
tightened...until now.
Proof of the Fabled St. Germain Wealth
At last I can reveal to you all just how vast
and real the long-hidden fortunes are, and back it up with photos and
first-person accounts from the people who have been working with me for
decades. Below you will find excerpts from a long article by Rob Potter
with pictures of just some examples of the buried treasure that has been held
in safekeeping for this monumental time. We had to ensure that it would
be safe to release the funds before the final transport and unveiling could
Some of these storehouses of gold, silver and
special bonds have been stolen and recovered several times over, as we
jockeyed to preserve your birthright for the time it could be shared by
all. Most has been watched over with diligence and great loyalty by powerful
families across Asia and Europe. Some has found its way to the U.S. in
preparation for its release. You can imagine the difficulty involved in
secretly transporting millions of tons of gold bars, for example, but it has
been done.
Many naysayers, especially those trained in
the cabal financial systems, have insisted the revaluation of currencies has
to be a scam, because it has never happened before, and there could not
possibly be enough money in the world to fund the flood of money we have
described. We sympathize with their doubts, but they are simply
wrong. There is enough wealth to give every man, woman and child on the
planet 100 million dollars or more. All that was required was the
right timing and the higher vibration that will allow compassion, kindness
and great Love to govern the behavior of all in power, down to the last
family, town and village. That time has come at last, my dear Brothers
and Sisters.
The photographs below are real, a tiny example
of the great wealth we have already begun to disseminate. Yes, all
currencies are now and will remain gold and asset-backed. From our
limitless stores inside mountains, beneath islands, beneath the sea and in
remote hidden caves, we have provided the gold to every country in the world
to make this possible. Every country will be economically stable,
secure in its prosperity, and given the opportunity to leave behind the
artificially-created debt that has enslaved all.
Perhaps some of you are familiar with my
former castle in Transylvania. It was a convenient hiding place for
mountains of wealth because of a labyrinth of unmapped underground
passageways and hidden rooms. I can tell you this now because the
treasures have been safely moved in recent months. The castle itself
was kept under a veil of mystery by the Dracula stories - a convenient and
amusing smokescreen for the Light hidden there.
As I offered during my surprise visit to our
BlogTalk radio show yesterday, ( LINK) I
will be happy to take any and all of you on a personal tour of our great
mountains of precious jewels, gold and special financial instruments, valued
conservatively in numbers followed by more than 50 zeros. You need only to
call my name, and I will take you in your meditation to witness the great
storehouses yourself. You see why the release of so much wealth will
very quickly make money irrelevant, do you not? Who will need a paper
dollar or a gold coin when abundance is everywhere, available to all, where
no one has a debt or a bill to pay because every service imaginable has been
paid for, and where every being on Earth is free to pursue their Light-filled
The Dominoes Begin to Fall
Because the transparent new banking systems
are now in place, graft and corruption will be impossible to hide. It
is already providing instant exposure and arrest of those who have tried to
defraud our fail-safe systems. This is now completely operational, and this
only a small part of the global programs that will lift the entire Earth by
providing clean water, plenty of clean food, and new medical and energy
technologies. It was decided long ago that the most effective way to
release humankind from slavery would be to begin with economic security for all.
Our successes in the financial realm are now paving the way for a quicker
rollout than previously anticipated of the technologies that will make
disease, war and toxins of all kinds a thing of the past. Landings will
The monumentally complex and intricate
management of these changes has been long in the making, by Earth
terms. The past 70 years have been what you might call a final
"full-court press" on the part of both Heaven and Earthly
partners. By cosmic standards, this is unheard of - a shift of
monumental proportions accomplished in the blink of an eye. We did not
do this for you, Beloved Humankind, it is you and those among you who are at
this moment carrying the high vibration of Love and Light that is lifting all
into the flow of energies provided by Mother and Father God - the energies of
the Great Central Sun, our Source of all goodness and Light.
Lightworkers Above and Below Clear the Earth's
Today, immense energies collide across Planet
Earth, as the old dark energies are released and human Transmuting Teams
literally process the lower energies through their bodies to be sent to the
Light. It is an arduous task, taken on by all the Masters incarnated
now. Whether human, animal or elemental, all consciousness is focused on the
enormous challenge of clearing thousands of years of layered, toxic
energies. As we watch over you with great tenderness and Love, you are
accomplishing what only the most courageous collection of determined souls
could possibly achieve: the Co-creation of New Earth, made literally by
the sweat of your brows and the Love of your indomitable hearts. You
are magnificent.
Do not for a moment allow yourself to doubt or
feel impatience. All is unfurling in perfect harmony, like the most
exquisite symphony ever performed by any earthly or Angelic Chorus, and you,
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, are here to bear witness and to take part in
this triumphant crescendo. The haunting strains of the first movement
are already beginning. Listen!
Today's stupendous effort - maximum service
and participation by all - will be remembered as The Tipping Point, the
moment when the curtains rose and the first glimpse of the impossible dream
came into view for the first wave of Lightworkers whose hearts are open and
rejoicing in unison. We join with you in that joyful celebration,
Dearest Ones.
I remain ever at your side, in devoted service
to Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven.
I am your brother, St. Germain.
by Dr. Kathryn E. May, February 7, 2016)
"One of 12 Bunker Assets"
Immeasurable Wealth Is Yours
St. Germain:
I am constantly being asked by our friends on the
ground to give proof of the things we refer to as "behind the scenes"
movement toward the release of all the programs we have told you about.
We could not give details in the past because there were many elements of the
release that were still in secret negotiations, and many of our boots on the
ground would have been placed in danger if we had given information about
them. I'm sure you understand how delicate these processes have
been. It is now possible for us to discuss some of the most exciting
projects because all is completed, ready for the final bell to sound.
One of the "secrets" concerns the vast
amounts of wealth that are included in the Prosperity Funds. I described
some of the enormous storehouses of gold, precious stones and other valuables
in my books from the 1930's, especially in the first volume called
"Unveiled Mysteries" by Godfré Ray King. At the time, we of the
Company of Heaven thought of it as a wonderful revelation that would help spur
the Ascension of Planet Earth, but World War II intervened, and with it the
rise in power of the cabal. The books served as an introduction to a
small group of Lightworkers, but like many of our Heaven-sponsored projects,
the information was buried, and the cabal-controlled grip on Earth
tightened...until now.
Proof of the Fabled St. Germain Wealth
At last I can reveal to you all just how vast and real
the long-hidden fortunes are, and back it up with photos and first-person
accounts from the people who have been working with me for decades. Below
you will find excerpts from a long article by Rob Potter with pictures of just
some examples of the buried treasure that has been held in safekeeping for this
monumental time. We had to ensure that it would be safe to release the
funds before the final transport and unveiling could occur.
Some of these storehouses of gold, silver and special
bonds have been stolen and recovered several times over, as we jockeyed to
preserve your birthright for the time it could be shared by all. Most has
been watched over with diligence and great loyalty by powerful families across
Asia and Europe. Some has found its way to the U.S. in preparation for
its release. You can imagine the difficulty involved in secretly
transporting millions of tons of gold bars, for example, but it has been done.
Many naysayers, especially those trained in the cabal
financial systems, have insisted the revaluation of currencies has to be a
scam, because it has never happened before, and there could not possibly be
enough money in the world to fund the flood of money we have described.
We sympathize with their doubts, but they are simply wrong. There is
enough wealth to give every man, woman and child on the planet 100 million dollars
or more. All that was required was the right timing and the higher
vibration that will allow compassion, kindness and great Love to govern the
behavior of all in power, down to the last family, town and village. That
time has come at last, my dear Brothers and Sisters.
The photographs below are real, a tiny example of the
great wealth we have already begun to disseminate. Yes, all currencies
are now and will remain gold and asset-backed. From our limitless stores
inside mountains, beneath islands, beneath the sea and in remote hidden caves,
we have provided the gold to every country in the world to make this
possible. Every country will be economically stable, secure in its
prosperity, and given the opportunity to leave behind the artificially-created
debt that has enslaved all.
Perhaps some of you are familiar with my former castle
in Transylvania. It was a convenient hiding place for mountains of wealth
because of a labyrinth of unmapped underground passageways and hidden
rooms. I can tell you this now because the treasures have been safely
moved in recent months. The castle itself was kept under a veil of
mystery by the Dracula stories - a convenient and amusing smokescreen for the
Light hidden there.
As I offered during my surprise visit to our BlogTalk
radio show yesterday, ( LINK) I
will be happy to take any and all of you on a personal tour of our great
mountains of precious jewels, gold and special financial instruments, valued
conservatively in numbers followed by more than 50 zeros. You need only to call
my name, and I will take you in your meditation to witness the great
storehouses yourself. You see why the release of so much wealth will very
quickly make money irrelevant, do you not? Who will need a paper dollar
or a gold coin when abundance is everywhere, available to all, where no one has
a debt or a bill to pay because every service imaginable has been paid for, and
where every being on Earth is free to pursue their Light-filled dreams?
The Dominoes Begin to
Because the transparent new banking systems are now in
place, graft and corruption will be impossible to hide. It is already
providing instant exposure and arrest of those who have tried to defraud our
fail-safe systems. This is now completely operational, and this only a small
part of the global programs that will lift the entire Earth by providing clean
water, plenty of clean food, and new medical and energy technologies. It
was decided long ago that the most effective way to release humankind from slavery
would be to begin with economic security for all. Our successes in the
financial realm are now paving the way for a quicker rollout than previously
anticipated of the technologies that will make disease, war and toxins of all
kinds a thing of the past. Landings will follow.
The monumentally complex and intricate management of
these changes has been long in the making, by Earth terms. The past 70
years have been what you might call a final "full-court press" on the
part of both Heaven and Earthly partners. By cosmic standards, this is
unheard of - a shift of monumental proportions accomplished in the blink of an
eye. We did not do this for you, Beloved Humankind, it is you and those
among you who are at this moment carrying the high vibration of Love and Light
that is lifting all into the flow of energies provided by Mother and Father God
- the energies of the Great Central Sun, our Source of all goodness and Light.
Lightworkers Above and Below Clear the Earth's
Today, immense energies collide across Planet Earth,
as the old dark energies are released and human Transmuting Teams literally
process the lower energies through their bodies to be sent to the Light.
It is an arduous task, taken on by all the Masters incarnated now. Whether human,
animal or elemental, all consciousness is focused on the enormous challenge of
clearing thousands of years of layered, toxic energies. As we watch over
you with great tenderness and Love, you are accomplishing what only the most
courageous collection of determined souls could possibly achieve: the
Co-creation of New Earth, made literally by the sweat of your brows and the
Love of your indomitable hearts. You are magnificent.
Do not for a moment allow yourself to doubt or feel
impatience. All is unfurling in perfect harmony, like the most exquisite
symphony ever performed by any earthly or Angelic Chorus, and you, Beloved
Brothers and Sisters, are here to bear witness and to take part in this
triumphant crescendo. The haunting strains of the first movement are
already beginning. Listen!
Today's stupendous effort - maximum service and
participation by all - will be remembered as The Tipping Point, the moment when
the curtains rose and the first glimpse of the impossible dream came into view
for the first wave of Lightworkers whose hearts are open and rejoicing in
unison. We join with you in that joyful celebration, Dearest Ones.
I remain ever at your side, in devoted service to
Mother and Father and the Company of Heaven.
I am your brother, St. Germain.
(Transcribed by
Dr. Kathryn E. May, February 7, 2016)
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